1.12.2- (2019-06-08)[]
- API version bumped to 3.1-snapshot
- Added new Remove Chest button to wolf GUI
- Moved health and armor display below the player inventory in GUI
- Implemented OreDictionary for applying chests (any item registered as "chestWood" will work)
- Updated crafting recipes to require armor pieces
- Wolf inventory size is now configurable from 1x1 to 5x3
Known Issues[]
- If the user reconfigures wolf armor size between world loads, inventory items beyond the new max index will be lost when the world is reloaded.
1.12.2- (2019-06-02)[]
WARNING: Breaks compatibility with old versions of the mod**
- API version bumped to 3.0-snapshot
- Capability framework replaced with new Mixin classes
- New, more flexible wolf data structure in saves. Will update old wolf data structure to new.
- Added Russian language file (courtesy contribution by NightKosh)
- SpongePowered Mixin >=0.7.5
1.12.2- (2018-05-30)[]
Bug Fixes[]
- Fix issue with wolf inventory loading; armor is now properly equipped on load
1.12.2- (2018-05-28)[]
- API release 2.7
- Add new Wolf Pack achievement
- Move Armor Up and Wolf Pack to Husbandry achievement list, under Tame achievement
- New versioning structure
- Added more enchantments to wolf armor, such as Fire Aspect
- Various tweaks
- Fixes renderering for armor on Sophisticated Wolves
- Implement new compatibility framework
- Fix issue with Tschipp's CarryOn where the armor equip effect would sound endlessly
Bug Fixes[]
- Removed EntityDataManager assignments from capability, fixing data value read issues (now uses custom packet)
1.12.2- (2018-05-24)[]
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed call to getMoonPhase in wolf howling AI
1.12.2- (2017-09-27)[]
No changes from previous version (version number only)
1.12.2- (2017-09-20)[]
No changes from previous version (version number only)
1.12.2- (2017-09-19)[]
- Released new mod version for 1.12.2
1.12.1- (2017-09-19)[]
No changes from previous version (version number only)
1.12.1- (2017-09-16)[]
- ARMOR_CLEANED stat increments on wolf armor clean
Bug Fixes[]
- Cauldrons no longer empty infinitely as leather armor is cleaned
1.12.1- (2017-09-15)[]
- Chinese language files added (courtesy contribution by gsbaoge)
- Wolf armor added to dungeon chest loot
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed missing chest and armor render layers while connected to a server
- Removed a client-sided method call in common code
- Fix missing inventory tooltips
Compatibility Changes[]
- Requires Java 8
1.12.1- (2017-09-11)[]
- Released new mod version for 1.12.1
- Fully implemented gsbaoge's Wolf armor ICapability
- Wolves auto-heal when they have valid food in their inventories
- Untamed wolves can now howl during a full moon (configurable)
- Added custom "Armor Up!" advancement
- New recipes with only base ingredients
1.10.2- (2017-01-25)[]
- Wolf armor functionality now implemented via ICapability (courtesy contribution by gsbaoge)
Compatibility changes[]
- Now compatible with Zoology mod
Known Issues[]
- Server not fully compatible
1.11.2- (2017-01-21)[]
- Released new mod version for 1.11.2
1.11- (2016-12-17)[]
- Released new mod version for 1.11
1.10.2- (2016-12-17)[]
- Minor tweaks
1.7.10- (2016-12-17)[]
- Version number structure changed
- Minor tweaks
Bug Fixes[]
- Wolf armor will no longer be applied to baby or untamed wolves via dispensers
1.10.2-1.0.3-release (2016-11-19)[]
- Added equip sound for wolf armor
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed potential issue when wolf armor is fully depleted
1.7.10-1.0.3-release (2016-11-19)[]
- Fix inventory positioning issue
- Wolf heart display changed from Hardcore hearts to normal hearts
- Health and armor icon placement tweaks
- Tweaked wolf interaction handling
- Wolf sits down when inventory opened
- Item name tweaks
1.10.2-1.0.2-release (2016-11-15)[]
- Released new mod version for 1.10.2
- Add item models for 1.10.2 compat
- Implement mod configuration UI
- Reimplemented armor rendering via RenderLayers
- Restructured configuration file
1.7.10-1.0.0-release (2016-11-15)[]
- Initial release
- Implemented Wolf Armor functionality