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This page is about the Windmill from Immersive Engineering. For other uses, see Windmill.

ModImmersive Engineering
Next tier

The Windmill is a block added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to generate Redstone Flux (RF) when connected to a Kinetic Dynamo.

Building another Windmill of any type in close proximity (up to 7 blocks in front of it) will reduce its speed.

Windmills (0.12-76 and earlier)[]

The amount of energy produced depends on the Windmill's elevation and the weather.

The power output can be doubled by crafting it into an Improved Windmill.

Power output[]

Power output (RF/tick)
Elevation Windmill Improved Windmill
Clear Rain Thunder Clear Rain Thunder
0–69 4 5 8 8 10 16
70–100 12 16 25 24 32 50
101–150 15 20 31 30 40 62
151–200 18 25 38 36 50 76
201+ 25 33 50 50 66 100

Windmills (0.12-77 and later)[]

The amount of energy produced no longer depends on the elevation of the Windmill, but rain and thunder still increase power production.

The power output can be improved by using a Windmill Sail on the hub to cover a single blade in fabric. The Windmill reaches maximum output once all 8 blades are improved this way.

Power output[]

Power output (RF/tick)
Sails Weather
Clear Rain Thunder
0 sails 11.85 15.80 23.94
1 sail 15 20 30
2 sails 18 24 36
3 sails 21 28 42
4 sails 24 32 48
5 sails 27 36 54
6 sails 30 40 60
7 sails 33 43 66
8 sails 35.55 47.40 71.82


0.10-61 and earlier[]

0.11-62 and later[]

FTB Infinity Evolved[]

Main article: FTB Infinity Evolved


  • Power output values for pre–0.12-77 versions are based off a Reddit post by Reddit user SeriousCreeper, seen here. This information is used with special permission.
  • Power output values for versions 0.12-77 and later are readible in the mod's source code. Information for 0 sails & 8 sails was found by Fandom user Meldexun. The rest is interpolated, and is measurable in-game.
