The Void Plant is a crop added by Thaumic Bases . When fully grown, it drops its own seeds and Void Seeds .
Recipe [ ]
Thaumonomicon entry [ ]
Those Void Seeds are created by infusing a regular seed with a bunch of Alienis and Tenebrae. However, the seed itself
looses [sic ] the ability to grow - you are overinfusing it. However, it might be possible to bring the seed back to life using the knowledge of plants you've just learned! By infusing a void seed with all kinds of
plantlife [sic ] you have managed to return the ability to grow to the poor seed.
— Thaumonomicon
"Thaumic Bases"
"name" = ""Navbox Thaumic Bases""
"state" = ""plain""
v · d · e Thaumic Bases
Armor and Tools Bloody Thaumaturge's Armor
Thauminite Armor
Helmet Chestplate Leggings Boots Thauminite Tools
Sword Pickaxe Axe Hoe Shovel Shears Miscellaneous
Scythe Of The White-Eyed One Thaumaturge's Revolver Void Shears Void Flint and Steel
Items Wand Cores and Caps
Thaumium Wand Core Void Wand Core Thauminite Cap Wand Foci
Blaze Bone Gold Greatwood Ice Iron Obsidian Primal Quartz Reed Silverwood Thaumium Void Vegetation
Node Manipulator Foci
Brightness Destruction Efficiency Hunger Instability Purity Sinister Speed Stability Taint Components
Tobacco Piles
Blocks Plants
Crying Obsidian Thaumaturge's Campfire Thaumaturge's Brazier Thaumic Relocator Decoration
Crystal Blocks
Ancient Bricks
Ancient Bricks Ancient Brick Slab Ancient Cobblestone Slab Ancient Diamond Block Ancient Diamond Slab Ancient Gold Block Ancient Gold Slab Ancient Gravel Ancient Iron Block Ancient Iron Slab Ancient Lapis Lazuli Block Ancient Lapis Lazuli Slab Ancient Mossy Cobblestone Ancient Mossy Cobblestone Slab Miscellaneous
Block of Quicksilver Block of Thauminite Ender Wood Ender Wood Planks Iron Framed Greatwood Gold Etched Obsidian Gold Etched Obsidian Slab Nether Wood Peaceful Wood Quicksilver Brick Salis Mundus Block Void metal Block
Miscellaneous Enchantments
Revolver Upgrades
Accuracy Bane of Atropods Bane of Eldritch Dueling Efficiency Eldritch Heavy Knowledge Piercing Power Primal Silver Speed Tainted Void Recipes