Vinery is a mod created by Let's Do which provides facilities for creating a vinery in Minecraft. Its notable additions include a distillation system for making wines, decorative blocks, variants of grapes, and a new armor set.
While this sub wiki is being filled out, you can see all recipes using JEI. Wine recipes are shown in the aging barrel (go creative to see locked ones).
Apple Juice· Red Grape Juice· White Grape Juice· Red Taiga Grapejuice· White Taiga Grapejuice· Red Jungle Grapejuice· Red Savanna Grapejuice· White Savanna Grapejuice
Chorus Wine· Cherry Wine· Magnetic Wine· Noir Wine· Miss Lilitus Wine· Mellohi Wine· Stal Wine· Strad Wine· Solaris Wine· Bolvar Wine· Aegis Wine· Clark Wine· Chenet Wine· Apple Wine· Jellie Wine· Red Wine· Praetorian Wine· Cristel Wine· Sunkissed Wine· Stal Wine· Strad Wine· Solaris Wine· Bolvar Wine· Aegis Wine· Clark Wine· Chenet Wine