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This page is about the Flaxbeard's Steam Power Vacuum. For other uses, see Vacuum.

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
TypeSolid block
Blast resistance4.5
Previous tier
Technical details
First appearance0.25.0
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Vacuum
A little tinkering with my fan has rewarded me with a vacuum, a device that will suck in all matter of things, outputting items to inventories placed opposite the mouth of the vacuum. I can adjust the vacuum's range with a wrench.
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The Vacuum is a block from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. When supplied with steam, the Vacuum will pull nearby entities towards it that are within its cone of influence. If there is an inventory such as a Chest on the opposite side of the Vacuum's mouth, dropped items will be sucked up and placed in this inventory. The Vacuum can be given steam on any side besides the front or back. The range can be changed by sneak+using a Pipe Wrench, ranging from 5-19 blocks, and skipping all even numbers.

Steam Gauges cannot be placed on any side of the block.



Version history
0.25.0ADDITION: Added Vacuum
0.27.4FIX: (Gholuk) Vacuum stopping issue (#159 and #52)
0.28.5NEW: Config options for steam consumption rates of: Fan, Archimedes Screw, Steam Hammer, Steam Heater, and the Vacuum (#184)
0.29.0FIX: Vacuums, Fans, and Steam Hammers render on the right side of Item Frames now (#163, #51)
FIX: Fix Vacuum ticking block entity crash (#191) (jaredlll08).
