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Feed The Beast Wiki
This page is about using MineTweaker with Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For using MineTweaker in general, see How to Use MineTweaker 3.

ZenScript Classes[]


Functions Parameters
addCarvable(stack)  · stack: (IItemStack) The item to add to the Carving Table's entries.
removeCarvable(stack)  · stack: (IItemStack) The item to remove from the Carving Table's entries.


Functions Parameters
addBasicLiquid(name, ingot, plate, nugget, r, g, b)  · name: (String) The name of the liquid.
 · ingot: (IItemStack) The output of using an ingot mold with this liquid.
 · plate: (IItemStack) The output of using a plate mold with this liquid.
 · nugget: (IItemStack) The output of using a nugget mold with this liquid.
 · r: (int) The decimal red.
 · g: (int) The decimal green.
 · b: (int) The decimal blue.
addAlloyLiquid(name, ingot, plate, nugget, liquid1, amount1, liquid2, amount2, amountOut, r, g, b)  · name: (String) The name of the liquid.
 · ingot: (IItemStack) The output of using an ingot mold with this liquid.
 · plate: (IItemStack) The output of using a plate mold with this liquid.
 · nugget: (IItemStack) The output of using a nugget mold with this liquid.
 · liquid1: (String) The name of one of the liquids in the alloy.
 · amount1: (int) The amount of liquid1 needed for the alloy.
 · liquid2: The name of the other liquid needed in the alloy.
 · amount2: (int) The amount of liquid2 needed for the alloy.
 · amountOut: (int) The amount of the resulting liquid to yield.
 · r: (int) The decimal red.
 · g: (int) The decimal green.
 · b: (int) The decimal blue.
removeLiquid(name)  · name: (String) The name of the liquid to remove.
addMeltRecipe(item, liquidName, amountOut)  · item: (IItemStack) The input item.
 · liquidName: (String) The output liquid's name.
 · amountOut: (int) The amount of the liquid to produce from one item.
addOreMeltRecipe(dict, liquidName, amountOut)  · dict: (String) The input OreDictionary tag name.
 · liquidName: (String) The output liquid's name.
 · amountOut: (int) The amount of the liquid to produce from one item.
addToolMeltRecipe(itemstack, liquidname, amountOut)  · itemstack: (IItemStack) The input tool.
 · liquidName: (String) The output liquid's name.
 · amountOut: (int) The amount of the liquid to produce from one item of any item damage.
removeMeltRecipe(input, output)  · input: (IItemStack) The input item.
 · output: (String) The output liquid.
removeOreMeltRecipe(dict, liquidName)  · dict: (String) The input OreDictionary entry
 · output: (String) The output liquid.
removeToolMeltRecipe(itemstack, liquidName)  · itemstack: (IItemStack) The input tool.
 · output: (String) The output liquid.
addDunkRecipe(in, inLiq, liquidAmount, out)  · in: (IItemStack) The item to be dunked.
 · inLiq: (String) The liquid to dunk in.
 · liquidAmount: (int) The amount of the liquid to consume.
 · out: (IItemStack) The output item.
addOreDunkRecipe(dict, liq, amount, out)  · dict: (String) The Ore Dictionary entry to be dunked.
 · liq: (String) The liquid to dunk in.
 · amount: (int) The amount of the liquid to consume.
 · out: (IItemStack) The output item.
removeDunkRecipe(in, liquidName)  · in: (IItemStack) The item to be dunked.
 · liquidName: (String) The liquid to dunk in.
removeOreDunkRecipe(dict, liquidName)  · dict: (String) The Ore Dictionary entry to be dunked.
 · liquidName: (String) The liquid to dunk in.


Functions Parameters
addSmashingRecipe(in, out)
removeSmashingRecipe(in, out)
 · in: (IItemStack) The input block.
 · out: (IItemStack) The output item.
addSmashingOreRecipe(dict, out)
removeSmashingOreRecipe(dict, out)
 · dict: (String) The input Ore Dictionary entry.
 · out: (IItemStack) The output item.


Functions Parameters
addSteamingRecipe(originalI, steamedI)  · originalI: (IItemStack) The input item.
 · steamedI: (IItemStack) The output item.
removeSteamingRecipe(original)  · original: (IItemStack) The input item.
