铀 | |
模组 | 高级太阳能 Atomic Science 无中生有:创世 格雷科技 格雷科技1 工业2 MineChem 沉浸工程 Cotton Resources NuclearCraft |
变种 | |
矿石 | |
小型矿石 | |
方块 | |
Metallurgy | |
锭 | |
双叠锭 | |
三叠锭 | |
四叠锭 | |
五叠锭 | |
粒 | |
粉 | |
小堆粉 | |
小撮粉 | |
含杂粉末 | |
纯净粉末 | |
粉碎矿石 | |
纯净粉碎矿石 | |
离心矿石 | |
板 | |
双叠板 | |
三叠板 | |
四叠板 | |
五叠板 | |
致密板 | |
Components | |
杆 | |
长杆 | |
垫片 | |
螺栓 | |
螺丝 | |
环 | |
箔 | |
弹簧 | |
小弹簧 | |
细丝 | |
Fluids | |
熔融 | |
离子 | |
Miscellaneous | |
其他 |
Uranium is a resource added by Advanced Solars, GregTech, IC2, MineChem, and NuclearCraft. Its main purpose is to serve as fuel in a Nuclear Reactor but it also has some uses as a crafting material. It is also required for IC2's Nuke.
==Atomic Science==
- 由Atomic Science添加
==IndustrialCraft 2==
Unlike most ores, Uranium cannot be smelted, but needs to be compressed into ingots or processed through the IC2 ore processing chain. Uranium also has no nugget form; instead, processed Uranium is split into Uranium-238 and Uranium-235.
2 Macerator
Ore Washing Plant 2 |
2 5 4 Thermal Centrifuge |
Compressor |
Centrifuge |
==Immersive Engineering==
Immersive Engineering adds Uranium, but it is currently unused (except as a hot source for the Thermoelectric Generator).
- 由NuclearCraft添加
NuclearCraft adds Uranium as a base radioactive material, and can be processed by Industrial Foregoing, Tinker's Construct, Mekanism (up to 2x), etc. Tiny Clump of Uranium-235 can be obtained by processing Uranium Ingot in the Isotope Separator.
Template:Navbox Materials/zh-cn