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This page is about the Tinkerer's Goggles added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Tinkerer's Goggles.
Tinkerer's Goggles

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Technical details
First appearance0.26.0
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Tinkerer's Headwear
It's simply unsafe to tinker with steam apparatus without proper eyewear. I have developed a pair of goggles and a monocle to protect my eyes. Both provide me with the ability to zoom in on far away objects using the 'Z' key.

The monocle and goggles that I developed also function when placed in an exosuit, allowing me to protect my eyes and gain the ability to zoom to see distant objects.
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Upgrade slot Mask

The Tinkerer's Goggles are an armor item and Steam Exosuit Headpiece upgrade from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. They can be worn in the helmet slot, or installed in the Exosuit Headpiece's mask slot. When worn, the player can use the zoom key, defaulted to Z, to zoom in, much like the Spyglass.

It provides the same durability, damage reduction, and enchantability as the leather cap, and can also be repaired with leather.


See also[]
