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This page is about the Survivalist's Toolkit added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Survivalist's Toolkit.
Survivalist's Toolkit

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Technical details
First appearancePrerelease 17
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Survivalist's Toolkit (standard item)
Too many times I've broken my valuable enchanted tools. I've created a nice toolkit I can carry with me to stop this from happening in the future. Keeping this toolkit in my hotbar will prevent me from using tools that are about to break.
Journal entry Survivalist's Toolkit (Bauble)
Too many times I've broken my valuable enchanted tools. I've created a nice toolkit I can carry with me to stop this from happening in the future. Wearing this toolkit in my belt slot will prevent me from using tools that are about to break.
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The Survivalist's Toolkit is an item from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. It is a belt Bauble when Baubles is installed and its integration is enabled, otherwise it is a standard item. As a Bauble, it requires being in the belt slot to be enabled, while as an item it requires being on the player's hotbar. When these according requirements are fulfilled, it will prevent the player from mining with tools that will break in the next use.



Version history
Prerelease 17ADDITION: Survivalist's Toolkit
0.29.0FIX: Improve performance of Steam Exosuit, Survivalist's Toolkit, and Steam Tool events (#354).
