Superheating Vinteum: Regular furnaces don't seem to put out the right kind of heat to superheat vinteum bars. That's where the Runeforge is useful by placing these bars in the runeforge, its magically infused fire will cause these bars it heat up to temperatures I need in order to forge them into shape.
Warding Amulet· Amulet of the Battlemage· Enderguard Amulet· Witherguard Amulet
Brimming Urn· Urn of the Mountain Stream· Urn of the Molten Core
Bracelet of Antidote· Emberglow Bracelet· Bracelet of Eldrin Power· Bracelet of Trickery
Mundane Ring· Break Ring (Lesser)· Break Ring (Greater)· Collector's Ring (Lesser)· Collector's Ring (Greater)· Ring of Minor Fortune· Ring of Fortune· Ring of Greater Fortune· Ring of Silk· Ring of the Enderman· Ring of the Skies· Ring of Brittle Bones