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This page is about the Steam Tank added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Steam Tank.
Steam Tank

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
TypeSolid block
Blast resistance6
Next tier
Steam storage default180,000 SU
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Tanks
Pipes are great for transporting steam, but I've grown weary of refilling the boiler every time I need more. I've created tanks to remedy this problem. They store large amounts of steam, so I can save some for later.
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The Steam Tank is a block from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. It is used to store steam at large quantities. Steam Tanks are dynamic; connected blocks will create a larger tank, rather than having them all separate tanks. Steam can be input from any side, as well as output. A Steam Gauge can be used to measure how much steam is in the tank.

Steam Tanks can be used as an Exosuit tank, and should be placed in the slot of the Engineering Table that appears as a block. It can be upgraded into Reinforced Exosuit Tanks, which can then be used to create Heavily Reinforced Exosuit Tanks. The Steam Tanks can also be used to create Flash Boiler Components. A Steam Tank in an Exosuit will allow for 180,000 Steam Units, while the Reinforced version allows for 360,000, and the Heavily Reinforced version allows for 720,000.

The Steam Tank can also be used as a tool modifier for Tinkers' Construct, which will allow tools to be repaired using steam from a Steam Filler.



Version history
0.26.0CHANGE: Doubled capacity of exosuit tank
CHANGE: Halved cost to fill exosuit tank
0.27.5TWEAK: Steam Tanks' steam storage can be configured (#184)
0.28.3TWEAK: Steam Tanks can now store 80k steam instead of 50k. This makes it 33% more efficient to store in tanks than pipes (#190)
