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This page is about the Steam Drill Head added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Steam Drill Head.
Steam Drill Head

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Mining levelVariable
Technical details
First appearance0.29.0
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Drill Heads
The drill is a very useful device, but its weak iron head is always a fallback to using it. With these new heads, I am able to mine materials of varying hardness. I can make heads from <list of all valid materials>.
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Upgrade slot Drill Head

The Steam Drill Head is a material form and item from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. The Steam Drill Head can be installed in a Steam Drill to modify its mining level and color.

The Drill Head's materials are configurable through a JSON file called FSP-materials.json. By default, they can be made from Brass, Iron, Gold, Emerald, and Diamond.

There are two types of Drill Heads: standard and non-standard. Standard drill heads are made from ingots and nuggets, while non-standard drill heads are made from the OreDictionary entry provided in the JSON.



The nuggets and ingots in this recipe can be replaced with any valid nugget and ingot type. The color of the resulting item would also be different than shown below.


The gem in this recipe can be replaced with any valid OreDictionary entry. The color of the resulting item would also be different than shown below.


The JSON configuration file allows for modifying the existing materials, adding new ones, and removing them. An example JSON is shown below.

  "Brass": {
    "materialName": "Brass",
    "locName": "drill.brass",
    "harvestLevel": 2,
    "standard": true,
    "color": "#FABD3F"
  "Emerald": {
    "materialName": "Emerald",
    "locName": "drill.Emerald",
    "harvestLevel": 3,
    "standard": false,
    "oreName": "gemEmerald",
    "color": "#17DD62"

Each entry's key will be used as the material suffix in order to determine its recipe components (i.e., ingotMaterial and nuggetMaterial). This is not particularly used by non-standard drill head materials. The materialName and entry key must be identical.


  • materialName: The name of the material.
  • locName: The localization key that can be found in a language file. If it is not present, it will fallback to the material name. This is used in the item and the Steam Drill's tooltips.
  • harvestLevel: The harvest level that the material will give the drill.
  • standard: Whether the material is standard (requiring ingots and nuggets to create).
  • color: The color of the item, both on its own and on the drill.
  • oreName: The name of the OreDictionary entry to use in its recipe. This is only for non-standard materials.

Default material properties[]

Material Name Localization Harvest Level Standard? Color Ore Name
Gold drill.gold 1 Yes #CED652
Iron drill.iron 2 Yes #DEDEDE
Brass drill.brass 2 Yes #FABD3F
Diamond drill.diamond 3 No #29C6AD gemDiamond
Emerald drill.emerald 3 No #17DD62 gemEmerald
