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The Stars symbol category is added by Mystcraft. It is a required category which provides (or not) stars for the night sky. Stars will appear when there are no suns above the horizon. Multiple star layers can be specified, though an Ender Starfield is likely to block everything else out. The options are as follows:

  • Normal Stars: Produces fixed points of light in the sky. Takes several modifiers: Lengths (Duration) and Directions for their motion, and a Gradient for their colors.
  • Twinkling Stars: Stars that individually flicker in and out of visibility. Takes the same modifiers as Normal Stars: Lengths and Directions for their motion, and a Gradient for their colors.
  • Ender Starfield: Flickering static similar to the End's. Takes only a Gradient for its color.
  • Dark Stars: Does not add a star layer. Does not interfere with other layers, but if only Dark Stars is specified, there will be no stars.
