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Starlight Infuser

ModAstral Sorcery

The Starlight Infuser is a block added by Astral Sorcery. It is used to infuse various items with Starlight to transform them (such as turning Aquamarines into Resonating Gems) and turning Crystal tools into their infused counterparts. In order for an infusion to occur, the pits around the Infuser must be filled with Liquid Starlight source blocks. When an infusion occurs there is a chance for one or more Liquid Starlight blocks to be consumed. When infusing a Crystal tool all Liquid Starlight blocks will be consumed. Placing back Liquid Starlight can be automated using the Containment Chalice.


The complete structure is 7x7x7 and requires (in addition to the Infuser itself):



GUI Celestial Altar

Starlight: 50%

Astral Tome entry[]

Liquid starlight's unique properties cause it to interact with certain solid materials in several very useful ways. Especially Aquamarine gems seem to react almost violently to liquid starlight. When immersed, they almost immediately begin to absorb the liquid, vibrating and shimmering quite energetically as they do so. The result of this reaction is a resonating gem that constantly pulses with energy.

This process however is not very stable and the effect fades as soon as the gem leaves the liquid.

However, a device, specifically built to induce liquid starlight into mundane materials, should be enough to keep this effect on the Aquamarine persistent. Building on past designs designing just the structure it needs should be almost trivial. The structure will need to include the liquid starlight it requires for the infusing. The infusion process can be started the same way as the altar.

The process of infusing something with liquid starlight is a very energetic one, so only one item at a time can be held by this delicate device. On the upside though, most of the time it doesn't even consume a single bucket of the liquid.
Astral Tome
