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This page is about the Shambler added by Defiled Lands. For other uses, see Shambler.
Entity DL Shambler

ModDefiled Lands
TypeHostile monster
Health points40 (Heart × 20)
Damage14 (HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart)
Technical details
First appearance0.1.0

The Shambler is a hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It spawns in dark areas in defiled biomes above y-level 50, and may drop a Black Heart when killed.

It has high health and is immune to knockback and projectiles, but moves very slowly, will nearly instantly disappear in sunlight and cannot fit through 2 blocks high . Its melee attacks deal high damage, knock their target a large distance, apply Slowness II and Mining Fatigue II for several seconds as well as Blindness for a very short duration.

