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This page is about the items from Immersive Engineering. For other uses, see Shaders.

ModImmersive Engineering
Technical details
First appearance0.6.0

Shaders are aesthetic upgrades for certain tools and entities added by Immersive Engineering.


Shaders can be installed onto these tools at an Engineer's Workbench:

A shader can be applied to certain in-world entities by using it on the entity


Shaders are obtained from Shader Grabbags.

Gallery of shaders[]

Shaders currently have five grades of rarity (six before 0.8, and four from 0.8 until 0.10-51).





Masterwork (Removed in 0.8; re-added in 0.10-51; formerly called Relic)

Cosmic (Removed in 0.8+ because of Avaritia not updating)

Common shaders[]

Uncommon shaders[]

Rare shaders[]

Epic shaders[]

Masterwork shaders[]


Version history
0.6.1"Vanguard", "Regal", "Harrowed" and "Taken" Shaders added.
0.6.2"Vault-Tec" Shader added. Broken "Mil�" Shader renamed to "Miló"
0.6.3"Mass Fusion" and "Angel's Thesis" Shaders added. Shader support added for Minecarts and the Chemical Thrower
0.6.4"Qrow" Shader added.
0.6.5Shader support added for the Balloon and Mining Drill. Shader Grabbags added, Shader levels added. "Warbird", "Glacis", "Solum", "Aero", "Cosmic", "Radiant", "Hollow" and "Fox" Shaders added.
0.7.3"Twili" and "Usurper" Shaders added.
0.8"Eyas", "Hawk", "Matrix" and "Phoenix" Shaders added. Simplified to 4 levels and Shaderbags. Removed "Cosmic" Shader.
0.10-49Removed the ability to turn Shaders back into Shader Grabbags.
0.10-50"Microshark" Shader added.
0.10-51"N7", "Normandy", "The Kindled", "Dark Fire" and "Erruption" Shaders added. Relic level added back.
0.10-52"OmniTool" Shader added.
0.10-53"Sutherland", "Exia" and "Crimson Lotus" Shaders added.
0.10-54"Dominator" Shader added.
0.12-64"Lusus Naturae" and "WAAAGH!" Shader added.
0.12-70Shader support added to the Heavy Plated Shield.
0.12-71"Ancient" Shader added.

Removed shaders[]

References to media[]

  • Destiny
    • Dragon's Breath is an exotic rocket launcher from the videogame series Destiny.
    • Taken (as well as Wolfpack Cartridges) are enemies and perks, respectively, from the Destiny universe.
    • Vanguard is also a reference to a faction in Destiny arboring its emblematic navy and orange color.
  • Fallout
    • Vault-Tec, Sponsor and Mass Fusion reference the organisations Vault-Tec, Nuka Cola and Mass Fusion from the videogame series Fallout.
  • Mass Effect
    • N7 is a code for the highest level of special forces in the videogame series Mass Effect.
    • Omni-tools are widely used, handheld multitools from the videogame series Mass Effect. They appear as orange holograms.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion
    • Angel's Thesis is a reference to the Japanese anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, more specifically to the character Evangelion Unit-01.
  • Psycho-Pass'
    • Dominator is an iconic weapon in the animated series Psycho-Pass.
  • "Red vs Blue"
    • Sharkface, Locus and Felix are characters from the machinima "Red vs. Blue".
  • RWBY
    • Rheese Chloris is a character in the animated series RWBY.
    • Crescent Rose is a scythe in the animated series RWBY.
    • Qrow Branwen is a character from the animated series RWBY.
    • StormFlower and Miló are weapons carried by Pyrrha and Ren in the animated series RWBY.

See also[]

