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Feed The Beast Wiki

ModMana and Artifice
TypeTile entity
Mana and Artifice Information
Runeforge: The runeforge is a magical furnace that runs on ambient magic in the air. It requires no additional fuel source. It has a few of its own recipes, but will also do campfire recipes in half the time, furnace recipes in twice the time, and blast furnace recipes in twice the time. It will accept up to 16 item at a time, but the total cook time is multiplied by the number of items in it. Once you have advanced in tier you will unlock upgrades to the Runeforge in the form of speed increases, ore doubling, and item repair.

Runeforge is a tile entity added by Mana and Artifice. It is used as furnace to refine several items. It can also be used as a substitute for a Campfire, Furnace, and Blast Furnace. When used as a campfire it operates twice as fast and twice as slow when used as a Furnace and Blast Furnace. A maximum of 16 items can be inserted to be processed simultaneously, however the time it will take is multiplied by the number of items inserted. The Runeforge can also be upgrade allowing it to double ore, or process faster. It can be used to create the following unique crafting recipes:

Input Output Tier Required
Resonating Lump Resonating Dust Tier 1
Bone 4 Bone Ash Tier 1
Unfired Rune Plate Rune Pattern Tier 2
Vinteum Ingot Superheated Vinteum Ingot Tier 1
Purified Vinteum Ingot Superheated Purified Vinteum Ingot Tier 2
Arcane Compound 4 Arcane Ash Tier 1


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