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This page is about the Rituals added by Mana and Artifice. For other uses, see Rituals.
ModMana and Artifice

Rituals are a way to establish more powerful effects at the cost of requiring a lot of setup and preparation. For example, one can create portals that allow travel over long distances, control time and the weather, travel to or summon other players, or make powerful alliances.

Codex Entries[]

Initial Setup[]

Rituals are more in-depth magical casting that provide more powerful or long term effects than an instant cast spell typically will. It involves additional preparation, reagents, and interactions to complete the effect, but there are some very powerful effects that can be achieved.

To start, draw the pattern on the ground using Wizard's Chalk. The orientation doesn't matter. Then, activate the centre of the ritual using Purified Vinteum Dust. This will cause the ritual to begin displaying the needed reagents. Reagent numbers in gold are mandatory, and numbers in white are optional.

Place the required reagents in the correct positions, then activate the centre of the ritual again using Purified Vinteum Dust. This will cause the ritual to begin casting.

Collecting Reagents[]

The ritual will power up and then begin drawing in the reagents. Take care to ensure that no reagents are removed and that the chalk runes remain intact, lest you encounter more...explosive results.

Not all rituals require reagents.


After the reagents are consumed, the ritual will begin displaying manaweave patterns. You need to draw the required pattern (or use a manaweave projector to create it), and the ritual will draw it in, then display the next pattern.

Not all rituals require patterns.

Once all patterns are added, the ritual will complete over the next few seconds.

Dynamic Reagents[]

Some rituals require an item to display reagents, such as the Ritual of Arcana requiring a spell recipe. You will need to place the item in first, and then the remaining reagents will be displayed. You do not need to reactive the ritual using Purified Vinteum Dust for the dynamic reagents to be displayed.

Metal Ritual Runes[]

It may be desirable to have certain rituals not remove their ritual runes when completing. Creating the ritual pattern out of metal ritual runes will achieve this goal.


There are rituals that exist to create various elemental motes. There is one ritual/mote for each affinity. They are:

Ritual of the Endless Void / Mote of Ender

Ritual of Forgotten Lore / Mote of Magic

Ritual of the Untamed Wind / Mote of Air

Ritual of the Searing Inferno / Mote of Fire

Ritual of the Deep Ocean / Mote of Water

Ritual of Ancient Stone / Mote of Earth

Ritual Kits[]

Having to draw out a ritual each and every time can be time consuming. Enter the ritual kit.

To bind the kit to a specific ritual pattern, sneak while activating the centre of a ritual.

Sneak right click the kit on empty space to open the bag. Place all items needed for the ritual inside the kit.

Activating the kit on a sufficiently sized, empty flat space will instantly place and activate the ritual. Items will be consumed from the kit.

Additionally, rituals activated from a kit complete significantly faster than ones drawn manually.

Tagging Charms[]

Player charms and world charms, once crafted, can be attuned to by a player or world by right clicking on the charm. Attuned player charms can then be given to trusted allies to allow them to use rituals involving you, such as Summoning or Visiting (once unlocked). Attuned world charms can be used to use a Ritual of Return or a Ritual of the Gate to target a point in a different dimension.

List of Mana and Artifice rituals[]

  • Ritual of Alteration
  • Ritual of Ancient Stone
  • Ritual of Arcana
  • Ritual of Aurora
  • Ritual of the Burning Hells
  • Ritual of Clear Skies
  • Ritual of the Deep Ocean
  • Ritual of the Earthen Steppes
  • Ritual of the Endless Void
  • Ritual of Eventide
  • Ritual of the Faerie Courts
  • Ritual of the Flat Lands
  • Ritual of Forgotten Lore
  • Ritual of the Gate
  • Ritual of Homestead
  • Ritual of Locating
  • Ritual of the Monsoon
  • Ritual of Return
  • Ritual of the Iron Bell
  • Ritual of the Searing Inferno
  • Ritual of Summoning
  • Ritual of the Untamed Wind
  • Ritual of Visiting
  • Ritual of the Wandering Wizard
  • Ritual of the Wizard's Council
  • Ritual of the Yawning Chasm
