The Redstone Conductor is a cover added by GregTech 4. When the machine it is installed in receives a Redstone signal, the signal will be conducted to the Redstone Conductor.
The Redstone Conductor has four modes. The modes can cycled through by right-clicking the cover with a Screwdriver. The modes are:
Conducts strongest Input, which will make the Redstone Conductor conduct the strongest Redstone input.
Conducts from bottom Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the bottom side of the machine.
Conducts from top Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the top side of the machine.
Conducts from north Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the north side of the machine.
Conducts from south Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the south side of the machine.
Conducts from west Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the west side of the machine.
Conducts from east Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the east side of the machine.
The Redstone Conductor can be applied to any side of a machine by right-clicking a side. It can be removed by right-clicking the cover with a Wrench.
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