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Redstone Conductor

ModGregTech 4
Tooltip textThroughputs Redstone to the Cover Facing

The Redstone Conductor is a cover added by GregTech 4. When the machine it is installed in receives a Redstone signal, the signal will be conducted to the Redstone Conductor.

The Redstone Conductor has four modes. The modes can cycled through by right-clicking the cover with a Screwdriver. The modes are:

  • Conducts strongest Input, which will make the Redstone Conductor conduct the strongest Redstone input.
  • Conducts from bottom Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the bottom side of the machine.
  • Conducts from top Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the top side of the machine.
  • Conducts from north Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the north side of the machine.
  • Conducts from south Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the south side of the machine.
  • Conducts from west Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the west side of the machine.
  • Conducts from east Input, which will make it conduct the Redstone input from the east side of the machine.

The Redstone Conductor can be applied to any side of a machine by right-clicking a side. It can be removed by right-clicking the cover with a Wrench.

Redstone Conductor

An Alloy Smelter with a Redstone Conductor installed.


GUI Assembling Machine

EU: 12,800
Time: 40 secs
MaxEnergy: 16 EU/t
