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Railcraft es un mod creado por CovertJaguar que se expande principalmente sobre la funcionalidad existente de Vagonetas, incluyendo nuevas raíles, nuevos carros, un sistema de señalización y la capacidad de vincular carros. Además de los avanzados sistemas de Vagonetas, Railcraft agrega formas únicas de transporte de artículos, almacenamiento de líquidos y lógica de redstone basada en articulos.
It also has a very extensive set of decorative blocks, such as Quarried, Abyssal, Blood Stained, Frost Bound, Sandy, Infernal, Bleached Bone, and Nether. As well as these new block sets, it also adds new variations of the existing block sets, such as Slabs, Walls, and Stairs.
Railcraft is split into various different sections, called Modules. These modules are used for disabling/enabling certain parts of this mod. They can be toggled in the /minecraft/config/railcraft/modules.cfg configuration file by setting them to either true or false. There are 25 modules currently present in Railcraft:
Nombre del Módulo
Nombre heredado
Mods requeridos
Detectors, loaders, dispensers, and the Tunnel Bore.
Chunk loading
World Anchors, Sentinels, and other chunk loading devices.
Stack size, physics, naming, rendering, and other tweaks to carts, the Crowbar, recipe tweaks.
Electric Locomotive and its related blocks and items.
Emblems and the Engraving Bench.
"Fun" items, like the Launcher Track.
Processing machines, like the Rock Crusher and the Rolling Machine.
Forestry compatibility in the form of backpacks.
IndustrialCraft 2 compatibility, such as energy carts, energy loaders/detectors, and the Steam Turbine.
IndustrialCraft 2
Steam Locomotive and Electric Locomotive related items.
Firestone items and blocks
Routing mechanics, such as the Routing Table and Routing Track.
Two seasonal items: Gift and Pumpkin Carts, which can only be crafted during specific real-life seasons.
Signaling and switching items, such as the Switch Track.
Everything related to Steam.
Decorative blocks
Thaumcraft compatibility, which is currently just the Thaumium Crowbar.
Thaumcraft 3 or Thaumcraft 4
All minecart tracks
Electric Tracks
All electric tracks
H.S. Tracks
All high-speed tracks
Reinforced Tracks
All reinforced tracks
Wooden Tracks
All wooden tracks
Cart-linking mechanics
Transport mechanics, such as the Tank Cart and the Liquid Loader
Ladrillos de Alto Horno·Alto Horno· Ladrillos para Horno de Coque·Horno de Coque· Pared para Tanque de Hierro· Indicador de Tanque de Hierro· Iron Tank Valve·Tanque de Hierro· Trituradora de Rocas· Solid Fueled Firebox· Liquid Fueled Firebox· Low Pressure Boiler Tank· High Pressure Boiler Tank·Caldera de Vapor· Water Tank Siding·Tanque de Agua· Horno de Vapor· Steel Tank Wall· Steel Tank Gauge·Steel Tank·Steam Turbine· Steam Turbine Housing· Steel Tank Valve
Dispensador de Vagonetas· Dispensador de Trenes· Estación de Alimentación· Máquina de Laminación· Manual Steam Trap· Automated Steam Trap· Engraving Bench· Estación de Comercio· Cofre de Eliminador· Unidad de Alimentación Eléctrica· Unidad de Alimentación de Admin· Admin Steam Producer· Cofre para Metal· Electric Shunting Wire· Force Track Emitter· Flux Transformer
Ancla· Cofre· Horno· CESU· Batería· Regalo· MFE· MFSU· Calabaza· Tanque· TNT de Madera· TNT· Cambiador de Vías· Tunnel Bore· Undercutter· Trabajo· Locomotora a Vapor· Locomotora Eléctrica· Perpetuum Locomotive· Vagoneta Ancla de Administrador· Vagoneta de Ancla Personal· Track Layer· Track Remover
Signaling and Switching
Block Signal· Distant Signal· Dual-Head Block Signal· Signal Capacitor Box· Signal Controller Box· Analog Signal Controller Box· Switch Lever· Switch Motor· Signal Receiver Box· Signal Interlock Box· Routing Switch Motor· Signal Sequencer Box· Dual-Head Distant Signal· Signal Block Relay Box· Railway Ticket· Golden Railway Ticket
Rebar· Lampara de Señal· Riel Avanzado· H.S. Rail· Riel Reforzado· Riel Estándar· Riel de Madera· Riel Eléctrico· Base de Madera para Rieles· Base de Piedra para Rieles· Stone Tie· Wooden Tie
Quarried Stone· Bloque Infernal· Bloque Manchado con Sangre· Bloque Arenoso· Bloque de Hueso Desteñido· Bloque de Hielo atado· Bloque Abisal· Bloque del Nether· Ahumador· Linterna de Piedra·Linterna de Metal· Poste de Metal· Poste de Madera· Poste de Piedra· Plataforma de Metal· Bloque de Cemento· Strengthened Glass· Creosote Wood Block·Losas·Paredes·Escaleras