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Feed The Beast Wiki

The Tweaks module of Quark, as the name suggests, adds various Tweaks.

The Tweaks[]

  • Safe Mounts: players riding cannot attack animals that they are currently mounted on.
  • Chicken Shedding: Chickens will drop Feathers like they drop Eggs.
  • Chicken Shearing: Chickens can be sheared. They will be inflicted with one damage and drop one Feather.
  • Sheep Armor: Sheep gain 1 armor point when they have Wool.
  • Glass Shards: adds Glass Shards.
  • Ladder Drop Down: right-clicking a Ladder with another Ladder will place it under the first Ladder.
  • Ladder Sliding: facing down will make the user of a Ladder go down faster.
  • Slabs to Blocks: slabs can be converted to blocks.
  • Stairs to Blocks: stairs can be converted to blocks.
  • Proper Stair Math: crafting stairs will yield 8 stairs instead of 4.
  • Stackable Minecarts: Minecarts have a stack size of 16.
  • Flint Tool Crafting: Stone Tools can be created with Flint.
  • Clay Conversion: Clay blocks can be converted into Clay items.
  • Minecart Block Placement: right-clicking a regular Minecart with a block will put the block into the Minecraft and convert into a specialized Minecart if there is a specialized Minecart of that type (like a Minecart with Furnace).
  • Hoe Harvesting: breaking Grass or crops with a Hoe will break them in a 3× area, or a 5×5 area if using a Diamond Hoe.
  • Shave Snow Layers: right-clicking Snow with a Shovel will remove one layer from the Snow. This costs one damage point to the shovel.
  • Jump Boost Step Assist: Jump Boost II will cause Step Assist to activate.
  • Knock on Doors: punching a Door will make a knocking noise.
  • Effective Dragon's Breath: using Dragon's Breath in a brewing recipe will consume the Glass Bottle. This tweak is designed for easier automation.
  • Armed Armor Stands: Armor Stands have arms per default.
  • Burning Baby Zombies: Baby Zombies will burn in daylight.
  • Sign Editing: right-clicking a Sign allows it to be edited.
  • Enderman Anti-Cheese: when attacking an Enderman and hiding under a 2 block height, the attacker will be teleported to the Enderman.
  • Burning Torches: Torches can be burned in a Furnace or other machines that use solid fuels for 400 ticks (2 items). Introduced in r1-0-60.
  • Villagers follow Emerald Blocks: similar to Pigs and Carrots, Villagers will follow a player holding a Block of Emerald. Introduced in r1.2-75.
  • Sponges dry in the Nether: when a Wet Sponge is placed in The Nether, it will be converted into a dried Sponge. Introduced in r1.2-82.
  • Automatic Recipe Unlock: unlocks all recipes in the Recipe Book. Introduced in r1.2-94.
  • Improved Sleeping: if a player doesn't use their mouse or keyboard in-game for two minutes, they'll be marked as AFK. In order for the night to pass, a certain configured percentage of players going to sleep is required; per default, this is 100%. AFK players are not counted towards that percentage. Introduced in r1.2-98.
  • Axe Leaf Harvesting: Axes will break Leaves at the same speed as Shears, although they won't drop the Leaves. Introduced in r1.3-106.
  • Compasses Everywhere: Compasses will function in The Nether and The End. In the Nether, the Compass will point towards the portal where the player entered from, and in the End, the Compass will point to the End Portal. Introduced in r1.3-106.
  • Blastproof Shulker Boxes: Shulker Boxes have their blast resistance increased to 2000, making them virtually unbreakable via explosion. Introduced in r1.3-112.
  • Dye Any Wool: allows dyeing of colored Wool, and dyeing 8 Wool at once. Introduced in r1.3-112.
  • Squid Inking: when attacked, Squids will shoot ink at the attacker, giving them Blindness. Introduced in r1.3-115.

Moved tweaks[]

  • Angry Creepers: Creepers turn red before exploding. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Auto-jump Toggle Keybind: pressing B (per default) will toggle auto-jump. Moved to the Misc module in version r1.2-75.
  • No Potion Shift: Status Effects will not cause the inventory to shift to the right. According to the official Quark website, this tweak is inspired by the No Potion Shift mod and has identical code. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Snow Golem Heads: named Snow Golems with a Pumpkin head will drop a head with the same name as theirs if killed by a Witch. Moved to the Misc module in version r1.2-75.
  • Subtler Shields: Shields will take up less space on the screen. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Monster Note Blocks: Note Blocks with attached heads/skulls will play the sound they usually make. Moved to the Misc module in version r1.2-75.
  • Greener Grass: grass is greener. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Endermites into Shulkers: Endermites can bury into Purpur, similar to Silverfish burying into Stone. When this happens, the Purpur will transform into a Shulker. Introduced in r1.1-61. Moved to the Misc module in version r1.2-75.
  • Improved Mount HUD: on a mount (such as a Horse), the user's food and experience will not be hidden. Introduced in r1.1-61. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Food Tooltip: foods will have their restoration value shown in their tool tip. Introduced in r1.1-61. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Texture Changes: several Minecraft textures are replaced by new textures:
    (Granite) is replaced by
    (Andesite) is replaced by
    (Diorite) is replaced by
    (Bricks) are replaced by
    (Glass) is replaced by
    (Pumpkin) is replaced by
    (Piston is replaced by
    as of version r1.2-78. Introduced in r1.2-67. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Map Tooltip: hovering the mouse over a Map in the inventory will display the map. Introduced in r1.2-75. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Better Shulker Box Tooltip: when being hovered over, Shulker Boxes will display its inventory. Introduced in r1.2-84. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
    Better Shulker Box Tooltip

    A White Shulker Box's tooltip displays its inventory contents, utilizing the Better Shulker Box Tooltip Tweak.

  • Visual Stat Display: the tooltips of armor and tools that show statistics (like protection) are replaced with a visual representation of those statistics. Introduced in r1.2-88. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
  • Random Animal Textures: adds various new Vanilla animal textures for Pigs, Cows, Chickens and Chicks. Introduced in r1.2-93. Moved to the Client module in version r1.3-106.
    Random Animal Textures

    Various retextured animals.


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