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Feed The Beast Wiki
Quantum Charming Bee
Latin Name careerbees quantum_charming Description
Discovered by RWTema "err, Mr. Scientist, I feel really..."
Added by Mod Career Bees
Branch Careerbees Branch
isNocturnal No
Product Specialty

Ying Essence
Base Chance: 10%

Default Attributes[]

Speed Fast Cave Dwelling Yes
Lifespan Long Nocturnal Yes
Fertility 3 Drones Rain Tolerant No
Pollination Fast Temperature Normal
Territory 9x6x9 Temp. Tolerance -1
Flowers Flowers Humidity Normal
Effect Teleposition Humid. Tolerance +1


Mutates from Mutates to
Parent 1 Parent 2 Result Chance

Mad Scientist Bee

Phantasmal Bee

Quantum Charming Bee

Quantum Strange Bee

Quantum Strange Bee

Quantum Charming Bee
Parent 1 Parent 2 Result Chance

Quantum Charming Bee

Quantum Charming Bee

Quantum Strange Bee

Quantum Charming Bee

Quantum Strange Bee

Temporal Bee

Special Notes[]

  • Teleposition will switch blocks within the bee's Territory to other nearby blocks with the same material. This will not affect things such as tile entities.
  • As with all of the other members in the Careerbees Branch that have an Effect, the Teleposition effect will only work on a Quantum Charming Bee or a Quantum Strange Bee.