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Printed Circuit Board


The Printed Circuit Board is a crafting component added by PneumaticCraft. It is used to craft most of advanced machines.


To make the firsts Printed Circuit Board, it is necessary to follow those steps :

1. First, process a Plastic Sheet, 2 Redstone Torches and 3 Gold Nuggets in a Pressure Chamber with at least 1.5 Bar pressure to get an Empty PCB.
2. Put the Empty PCB in an UV Light Box and wait for a high success chance.
3. Create a pool of Etching Acid (one bucket is enough). Throw in the Empty PCB and wait 5 minutes (the item doesn't despawn, the Acid is not consummed).
4. If the Empty PCB turned into a Failed PCB, smelting it in a furnace makes an Empty PCB with 0% success chance. Go back to step 2.
5. If the Empty PCB turned into a Unassembled PCB, craft it with Transistors and Capacitors to make the Printed Circuit Board.

It is advisable to craft the Etching Tank to speed up step 3, and build the Assembly to skip steps 2-4 and speed up the process.
