Current developers An_Sar, KitsuShadow Version 1.12.2 : 0.6.1051.12.1 : 0.6.1051.12 : 0.6.1051.11.2 : : 0.2.39Supported Minecraft versions 1.10.2-1.12.2 Needed for MagnumOpus Kitsu's ForgeCraft URL Link Discord server Link
PrimalCore is a mod created by An_Sar and KitsuShadow . It modifies the early-game process of Minecraft to be more in-depth, longer, and involved. It is intended to increase the role of the environment in the early-game survival process. Of significant importance, it replaces the early-game (wood and stone) tools, torches, and fire.
It also functions as a library package for other mods, like MagnumOpus .
External links [ ]
"name" = ""Navbox PrimalCore""
"state" = ""plain""
v · d · e PrimalCore
Blocks Functional Blocks
Work Table Work Table Slab Slats Wattle Mud Brick Hibachi Storage Crate Shelf Drying Rack Fish Trap Ash Bin Grate Drain Lantern Torch Netherrack Torch Dirt Pressure Plate Grass Pressure Plate Glass Pressure Plate Netherrack Pressure Plate Corypha Pressure Plate Ironwood Pressure Plate Lacquer Pressure Plate Thatch Pressure Plate Soul Glass Pressure Plate Lever Netherrack Lever Resources
Ovis Atre Wool Ash Pile Ash Layer Paraffin Earth Wax Calcified Paraffin Terra Clay Cinis Clay Soft Mud Block Limestone Stone Ferrocalcite Stone Corypha Segment Stripped Corypha Segment Corypha Plank Ironwood Log Ironwood Plank Netherstone Loam Netjry Salt Flat Halite Salt Ore Fire Salt Ore Void Salt Ore Plants
Rushes Corn Stalk Strangle Weed Cuscuta Inferum Equisetum Cineris Searing Lace Sinuous Weed Valus Omniferum Equisetum Inanis Metals
Brass Block Bronze Block Copper Block Lead Block Pig Iron Block Silver Block Tin Block Vanadium Block Wootz Steel Block Zinc Block Steel Block Tamahagane Block Decorative Blocks
Wattle and Daub Grass Stairs Grass Path Stairs Nether Dirt Stairs Nether Dirt Path Stairs Thatch Packed Dirt Brick Dried Mud Block Ciniscotta Brick Terracotta Brick Sarsen Stone Sarsen Brick Chiseled Sarsen Stone Mysterious Sarsen Stone Limestone Flagstone Limestone Brick Dirt Stairs Netherrack Stairs Corypha Stairs Ironwood Stairs Limestone Flagstone Stairs Ferrocalcite Flagstone Stairs Mossy Cobblestone Stairs Mossy Stonebrick Stairs Soulstone Stairs Lacquer Stairs Netherrack Wall Netherstone Wall Limestone Flagstone Wall Ferrocalcite Flagstone Wall Ironwood Fence Corypha Fence Lacquer Fence Miscelanious
Ironwood Leaves Dead Bush Jack o'Lantern
Miscelanious Concepts
Vanilla Changes in PrimalCore Flaking