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This page is about the Power Fist added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Power Fist.
Power Fist

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Steam usage default5 SU/use
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Power Fist
This chestpiece upgrade is one of my more fun inventions. It makes my punches pack a real... punch.
Any time I punch an enemy with a bare fist they'll go flying, at the cost of some steam.
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Upgrade slot Arm

The Power Fist is a Steam Exosuit Chestpiece upgrade from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. When a player has this upgrade installed in the Arm Slot, they will be able to launch entities far into the air with a simple punch. It uses 5 SU per punch by default, but its steam usage can be configured. It will deal no damage to the entities.

In 0.27, there was an item that the Power Fist could be upgraded into; the Brass Knuckles. These were a version of the Power Fist that could deal damage when they were used. They were removed for balance and the lack of use.



Version history
0.26.4FIX: Power Fist no longer causes crash. Not sure when this was actually fixed, so I'm putting it in this changelog. (#111 and #107)
0.28.1NEW: Steam consumption for Power Fist is now configurable
