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Feed The Beast Wiki
Feed The Beast Wiki
Modicon Pixelmon
Current developersPixelmon Team
Version9.2.5 (Alpha)
Supported Minecraft versions1.20.2
Mod loaderMinecraft Forge
URLHomepage Link
Discord serverDiscord Invite Link
Mod IDpixelmon

Pixelmon is a mod created by the Pixelmon Team. The mod implements the features and mechanics of the Pokémon video games in Minecraft. That includes the Pokémon themselves, battling, trading, breeding, shops and much more. Pixelmon also adds an assortment of new items, including prominent items like Poké Balls and TMs, new resources like Bauxite Ore and Apricorns, new crafting methods via the Pixelmon Anvil or the Infuser, and new decorative blocks like Chairs and Clocks.


Pokémon spawn throughout the world, scaling in level with the Player's team. They can be engaged in a Pokémon battle by throwing one of your Pokémon at them (default key: R). Some wild Pokémon may be aggressive, meaning they will initiate battles on their own. Vanilla mobs are disabled by default, making Pokémon battles the main form of combat and basis for most other features. Items that would normally be obtained from killing mobs are instead obtained as drops from defeating wild Pokémon.

Each Pokémon has certain conditions under which it will spawn. These include Biome, time of day, several location types like "Land", "Water", "Treetop" or "Underground" and more.

All Pokémon are encountered and fought in the world itself. Wild Shinies are visible outside battle and Pokémon may be seen battling each other. The ability to ride many Pokémon (including surfing/flying) gives added mobility to explore the world. Additionally, several moves and abilities allow players' Pokémon to use Move Skills, which interact with the world in various ways - from foraging for items to cutting down trees or setting an area on fire.

Villagers are replaced by Pixelmon NPCs which will give various quests. Instead of Vanilla trading, Villages will generate Poké Marts which (like in the original games) will sell and buy various items using the Pokédollar currency, that can also be obtained from defeating NPC Trainers. Other structures that generate include Pokémon Centers, Gyms and various structures used to summon specific Legendary Pokémon.

Unlike the original games, most items and machines can be crafted. This includes most types of Pokéball, which are made from various colors of Apricorn that can be grown, and many types of medicine that are made using the Brewing Stand or Pixelmon's Infuser. Healers, PCs and other machines can be placed as the player sees fit and aren't exclusive to set locations. The Fossil Machine can reanimate Fossils mined throughout the world, and the Cloning Machine and Reassembly Unit are used to spawn Legendary Pokémon. Additionally, Pixelmon adds a variety of other functional and decorative blocks that can be crafted - such as Movement and Teleportation Plates, several chairs and couches, furniture, functional Clocks and more.


In July 2017, the Pixelmon Team recived a Cease & Desist letter from The Pokémon Company, which resulted in what at the time appeared to be a permanent shutdown of the mod. Several months later however, in December 2017, the team returned to working on Pixelmon (now also known as Pixelmon Reforged), suggesting that the legal trouble had been resolved.

The exact allegations against Pixelmon and other legal details are unknown. This has spawned a lot of theories from the community and other online personalities - most of which are poorly researched and based on often repeated half-truths or smaller incidents that had been resolved years prior.

In early 2022 a blockchain based "creature collection" game project gained notoriety under the name "Pixelmon" on Twitter. Despite having no connection to the Pixelmon mod, it confused many users in both communities, which prompted an official statement on Pixelmon's Twitter account.

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