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This page is about the Pipe Wrench added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Pipe Wrench.
Pipe Wrench

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Technical details
First appearance0.25.0
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Pipe Wrench
The first tool I'll need when I'm tinkering with steam is a wrench, a gadget that has a multitude of uses.
Right clicking on pipes with the wrench will let me disconnect and reconnect them from other pipes and machines. Shift-right clicking on a concealed pipe will reveal the pipe.
Using a wrench on most machines will allow me to rotate the machine.
Shift-right clicking on certain machines with the wrench will allow me to adjust the operating mode of the machine.
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The Pipe Wrench is a tool from the Flaxbeard's Steam Power mod. It is used to alter and manipulate the various gadgets and devices from the mod. It can disconnect and reconnect pipes to and from other pipes and machines. It can also be used to rotate machines, and adjust the operating mode of certain machines.



To rotate machines, the player must use the tool on the side of the machine they wish to orient it to. To reconnect/disconnect pipes, the player must use the wrench on the part of the pipe that they wish to disconnect/reconnect. Sneaking while using it on machines will cause it to adjust the operating mode of said machine, if possible.


Version history
0.250ADDITION: Added Pipe Wrench
0.251CHANGE: Pipe Wrenches now alternate pointing a block towards and away from you when right clicking the front face
BUGFIX: Various oddities that occurred in the steam network when connecting/disconnecting pipes with the wrench have been addressed.
0.272API: Added IPipeWrench, which will allow tools from other mods to work as FSP Pipe Wrenches.
0.273API: Fixed usage of IPipeWrench to actually work
0.29.2FIX: Resolve many NullPointerExceptions caused by connecting/disconnecting steam transporters with the Pipe Wrench (#405).
