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Feed The Beast Wiki
Neptune's Bounty

ModAquaculture 2
TypeTile entity

Neptune's Bounty is a chest added by Aquaculture 2 that can be fished up with a fishing rod. It can contain any Neptunium equipment as well as other treasure, such as Neptunium Ingots[clarify].

It can also be crafted or spawned in from the creative menu, though it will not contain anything.

Fishing for Neptune's Bounty[]

As of 1.16.5-2.1.21, the chance to obtain a Neptune's Bounty through fishing is r% = 50 * (1 + 2x) / (max(170-2x, 0) + max(20-4x, 0) + 6 + 4x), where x is the level of Luck of the Sea on your fishing rod. Note that Gold Hook counts as 1 additional level of LotS and that no other bonuses (like Luck attribute) affect drop rates. A good approximation for small values of LotS is r% = 0.25 + 0.5x.

LotS level Neptune's Bounty chance
0 0.255%
1 0.773%
2 1.302%
3 1.842%
4 2.394%
5 2.957%
6 3.457%
7 3.947%
8 4.427%
9 4.897%
10 5.357%

Items dropped[]

The box also contains 3 item pools, 2 junk pools with 6 to 13 item rolls and 1 neptunium pool with 1 roll.

Item Weight Minimum Amount Maximum Amount

Neptunium Ingot
2 1 4

Neptunium Sword
1 1 1

Neptunium Pickaxe
1 1 1

Neptunium Axe
1 1 1

Neptunium Shovel
1 1 1

Neptunium Bow
1 1 1

Neptunium Fishing Rod
1 1 1

Neptunium Helmet
1 1 1

Neptunium Chestplate
1 1 1

Neptunium Leggings
1 1 1

Neptunium Boots
1 1 1

Junk Items

Item Weight Minimum Amount Maximum Amount Notes

15 1 1

5 1 1

Message In A Bottle
1 1 1

10 1 1 Can be found in biomes: "WATER", "BEACH", "SWAMP"

Cannot be found in biomes: "SNOWY", Deep Frozen Ocean

10 1 1 Can be found in biomes: "OCEAN", "BEACH"

Cannot be found in biomes: "HOT", "SNOWY"

10 1 1 Cannot be found in biomes: "OCEAN", "BEACH"

