Outdated translations are marked like this.
local p = {} p.navbox = function(navbox, highlightline, group, list, line, ni, nid, l) local title = l{"Santa's Toys", [=[Santa's Toys]=]} local items = [=[Предметы]=] local blocks = [=[Блоки]=] local legacy = [=[Legacy]=] return navbox{ title = title, mod="STS", modname = "Santa's Toys", list{ title=items, --[[ <div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> ]] ni{"Match", "Match (Santa's Toys)", "Спичка"}, ni{"Ender Blaster", "Эндер Бластер"}, ni{"Nether Blaster", "Адский Бластер"} --[[ </div>]] }, list{ title=blocks, --[[ <div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> ]] ni{"Block of Damn Giving"}, ni{"Glowstone", mod="V", "Heavy Light", "Тяжелый Свет"}, ni{"Spiced Sand", "Пряный Песок"} --[[ </div>]] }, list{ title=legacy, --[[ ]] ni{"Block of Damn Giving"} --[[]] } } end return p --