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Feed The Beast Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Navbox/Quark/ru/doc

local p = {}
p.navbox = function(navbox, highlightline, group, list, line, ni, nid, l)

local q = l{"Quark", [=[Quark]=]}

local automation = [=[Автоматизация]=]
local blocks = [=[Блоки]=]
local misc = [=[Прочие]=]
local building = [=[Строительство]=]
local stairs = [=[Ступеньки]=]
local slabs = [=[Полублоки]=]
local walls = [=[Ограды]=]
local items = [=[Предметы]=]
local client = [=[Клиент]=]
local decoration = [=[Оформление]=]
local misc = [=[Разное]=]
local management = [=[Управление]=]
local tweaks = [=[Твики]=]
local vanity = [=[Дополнительно]=]
local world = [=[Мир]=]
local mobs = [=[Мобы]=]
local structures = [=[Структуры]=]
local undergroundbiomes = [=[Подземные биомы]=]
--misc (the module)

return navbox{title = q, mod = "Q", modname = "Quark",
	group{name = "automation", title = automation,
		list{title = blocks,
			ni{"Obsidian Pressure Plate"},
			nid{"Weather Sensor"},
			ni{"Ender Watcher"},
			nid{"Iron Rod"}
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Automation Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "building", title = building,
		list{title = blocks,
			ni{"Sugar Cane Block"},
			ni{"Polished Sandstone"},
			ni{"Sandstone Bricks"},
			ni{"Polished Red Sandstone"},
			nid{"Red Sandstone Bricks"},
			nid{"Polished Stone"},
			ni{"Terracotta Shingles"},
			ni{"White Terracotta Shingles", "Colored Terracotta Shingles", [=[Керамическая черепица]=]},
			nid{"Oak Bark"},
			nid{"Spruce Bark"},
			nid{"Birch Bark"},
			nid{"Jungle Bark"},
			nid{"Acacia Bark"},
			nid{"Dark Oak Bark"},
			ni{"Snow Bricks"},
			ni{"Carved Oak Wood"},
			ni{"Carved Spruce Wood"},
			ni{"Carved Birch Wood"},
			ni{"Carved Jungle Wood"},
			ni{"Carved Acacia Wood"},
			ni{"Carved Dark Oak Wood"},
			ni{"Vertical Oak Wood Planks"},
			ni{"Vertical Spruce Wood Planks"},
			ni{"Vertical Birch Wood Planks"},
			ni{"Vertical Jungle Wood Planks"},
			ni{"Vertical Acacia Wood Planks"},
			ni{"Vertical Dark Oak Wood Planks"},
			nid{"Iron Plate"},
			ni{"Rusty Iron Plate"},
			ni{"Sandy Bricks"},
			ni{"Charred Nether Brick"},
			ni{"Granite Bricks"},
			ni{"Diorite Bricks"},
			ni{"Andesite Bricks"},
			ni{"Midori Block"},
			ni{"Midori Pillar"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone"},
			ni{"Smooth Soul Sandstone"},
			ni{"Chiseled Soul Sandstone"},
			ni{"Polished Soul Sandstone"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Bricks"},
			ni{"Duskbound Block"},
			ni{"Duskbound Lantern"},
			ni{"Netherwrought Stone"},
			ni{"Netherwrought Bricks"},
			ni{"White Stained Planks", "Stained Planks", [=[Крашеные доски]=]},
			ni{"Vertical White Stained Planks", "Vertical Stained Planks", [=[Крашеные вертикальные доски]=]},
			ni{"Sturdy Stone"},
			ni{"White Quilted Wool", "Quilted Wool", [=[Стеганая шерсть]=]},
			ni{"Magma Bricks"}
		list{title = stairs,
			ni{"Sugar Cane Stairs"},
			ni{"Sandstone Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Red Sandstone Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Terracotta Shingle Stairs"},
			ni{"White Terracotta Shingle Stairs", "Colored Terracotta Shingle Stairs", [=[Ступеньки из керамической черепицы]=]},
			ni{"Oak Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Spruce Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Birch Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Jungle Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Acacia Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Dark Oak Bark Stairs"},
			ni{"Snow Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Iron Plate Stairs"},
			ni{"Sandy Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Stone Stairs"},
			ni{"Granite Stairs"},
			ni{"Diorite Stairs"},
			ni{"Andesite Stairs"},
			ni{"End Brick Stairs"},
			nid{"Prismarine Stairs"},
			nid{"Prismarine Brick Stairs"},
			nid{"Dark Prismarine Stairs"},
			nid{"Red Nether Brick Stairs"},
			nid{"Thatch Stairs"},
			ni{"Charred Nether Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Granite Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Diorite Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Andesite Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Stairs"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Duskbound Stairs"},
			ni{"Netherwrought Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"White Stained Wood Stairs", "Stained Wood Stairs", [=[Ступеньки из крашенного дерева]=]},
			ni{"Magma Brick Stairs"}
		list{title = slabs,
			ni{"Sugar Cane Slab"},
			ni{"Polished Sandstone Slab"},
			ni{"Sandstone Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Polished Red Sandstone Slab"},
			ni{"Red Sandstone Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Terracotta Shingle Slab"},
			ni{"White Terracotta Shingle Slab", "Colored Terracotta Shingle Slab", [=[Плита из керамической черепицы]=]},
			ni{"Oak Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Spruce Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Birch Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Jungle Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Acacia Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Dark Oak Bark Slab"},
			ni{"Snow Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Iron Plate Slab"},
			ni{"Sandy Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Granite Slab"},
			ni{"Diorite Slab"},
			nid{"Andesite Slab"},
			ni{"End Brick Slab"},
			nid{"Prismarine Slab"},
			nid{"Prismarine Brick Slab"},
			nid{"Dark Prismarine Slab"},
			nid{"Red Nether Brick Slab"},
			nid{"Thatch Slab"},
			ni{"Charred Nether Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Granite Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Diorite Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Andesite Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Slab"},
			ni{"Polished Soul Sandstone Slab"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Duskbound Slab"},
			ni{"Netherwrought Brick Slab"},
			ni{"White Stained Wood Slab", "Stained Wood Slab", [=[Плиты из крашенного дерева]=]},
			ni{"Magma Brick Slab"}
		list{title = walls,
			ni{"Sugar Cane Wall"},
			ni{"Stone Wall"},
			ni{"Granite Wall"},
			ni{"Diorite Wall"},
			ni{"Andesite Wall"},
			ni{"Sandstone Wall"},
			ni{"Red Sandstone Wall"},
			ni{"Stone Brick Wall"},
			nid{"Brick Wall"},
			nid{"Quartz Wall"},
			ni{"Prismarine Wall"},
			ni{"Prismarine Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Dark Prismarine Wall"},
			ni{"Purpur Wall"},
			ni{"End Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Oak Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Spruce Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Birch Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Jungle Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Acacia Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Dark Oak Bark Wall"},
			ni{"Snow Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Sandy Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Granite Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Diorite Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Andesite Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Midori Wall"},
			ni{"Soul Sandstone Wall"},
			ni{"Duskbound Wall"},
			ni{"Netherwrought Brick Wall"}
		list{title = items,
	group{name = "client", title = client,
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Client Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "decoration", title = decoration,
		list{title = blocks,
			ni{"Lit Redstone Lamp"},
			ni{"Blaze Lantern"},
			nid{"Block of Charcoal"},
			nid{"Paper Wall"},
			ni{"Oak Leaf Carpet", "Leaf Carpet", [=[Ковер из листвы]=]},
			ni{mod = "V", "Wooden Trapdoor", "Trapdoor (Quark)", [=[Люки]=]},--oak trapdoor (default) is displayed
			ni{mod = "V", "Chest", "Chest (Quark)", [=[Сундуки]=]},
			ni{mod = "V", "Trapped Chest", "Trapped Chest (Quark)", [=[Сундуки-ловушки]=]},
			ni{mod = "V", "Bookshelf", "Bookshelf (Quark)", [=[Книжные полки]=]},
			nid{"Nether Brick Fence Gate"},
			ni{"White Bed", "Bed (Quark)", [=[Кровати]=]},
			ni{"White Item Frame", "Item Frame (Quark)", [=[Рамки]=]},
			ni{"White Flower Pot", "Flower Pot (Quark)", [=[Цветочные горшки]=]},
			nid{"Iron Ladder"},
			ni{"Glass Item Frame"},
			ni{"Potted Beetroot"},
			ni{"Potted Berries"},
			ni{"Potted Carrot"},
			ni{"Potted Chorus"},
			ni{"Potted Cocoa"},
			ni{"Potted Grass"},
			ni{"Potted Lilac"},
			ni{"Potted Melon"},
			ni{"Potted Nether Wart"},
			ni{"Potted Peony"},
			ni{"Potted Potato"},
			ni{"Potted Pumpkin"},
			ni{"Potted Rose"},
			ni{"Potted Sea Pickle"},
			ni{"Potted Sugar Cane"},
			ni{"Potted Sunflower"},
			ni{"Potted Wheat"},
			ni{"White Candle", "Candle (Quark)", [=[Свеча]=]}
		list{title = items,
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Banner Motifs (Quark)", [=[Banner Motifs]=]},
			l{"Decoration Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "management", title = management,
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Management Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "tweaks", title = tweaks,
		list{title = items,
			nid{"Glass Shard"}
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Quark Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "vanity", title = vanity,
		list{title = items,
			ni{"Witch Hat"}
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Vanity Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "world", title = world,
		list{title = blocks,
			nid{"Polished Basalt"},
			nid{"Basalt Slab"},
			nid{"Basalt Stairs"},
			nid{"Basalt Wall"},
			nid{"Basalt Bricks"},
			nid{"Basalt Brick Stairs"},
			nid{"Basalt Brick Slab"},
			nid{"Basalt Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Ender Biotite Ore"},
			ni{"Block of Biotite"},
			ni{"Chiseled Biotite Block"},
			ni{"Pillar Biotite Block"},
			ni{"Biotite Slab"},
			ni{"Biotite Stairs"},
			ni{"Biotite Wall"},
			nid{"Polished Limestone"},
			nid{"Limestone Slab"},
			nid{"Limestone Stairs"},
			ni{"Limestone Wall"},
			nid{"Limestone Bricks"},
			ni{"Limestone Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Limestone Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Limestone Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Polished Marble"},
			nid{"Marble Slab"},
			nid{"Marble Stairs"},
			nid{"Marble Wall"},
			nid{"Marble Bricks"},
			nid{"Marble Brick Stairs"},
			nid{"Marble Brick Slab"},
			nid{"Marble Brick Wall"},
			ni{"White Cave Crystal", "Cave Crystal", [=[Пещерный кристалл]=]},
			ni{"Permafrost Slab"},
			ni{"Permafrost Stairs"},
			ni{"Permafrost Wall"},
			ni{"Brimstone Slab"},
			ni{"Brimstone Stairs"},
			ni{"Brimstone Wall"},
			ni{"Glowshroom", "Glowshroom (block)", [=[Светящийся гриб]=]},
			ni{"Nether Smoker"}
		list{title = items,
			ni{"Ender Biotite"},
			ni{"Ancient Tome"},
			ni{"Soul Bead"},
			ni{"Pirate Hat"}
		list{title = mobs,
			ni{"Spawn Ashen", "Ashen", [=[Пепельный скелет]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Dweller", "Dweller (Quark)", [=[Обитатель]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Ashen", "Foxhound", [=[Лисья гончая]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Ashen", "Frog (Quark)", [=[Лягушка]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Pirate", "Pirate", [=[Скелет-пират]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Stoneling", "Stoneling",  [=[Стоунлинг]=]},
			ni{"Spawn Ashen", "Wraith (Quark)", [=[Видение]=]}
		list{title = structures,
			l{"Pirate Ship", [=[Пиратский корабль]=]},
			l{"Crystal Cave", [=[Crystal Cave]=]},
			l{"Dungeons (Quark)", [=[Подземелья]=]},
			l{"Tomb", [=[Могила]=]},
			l{"Spider nest", [=[Гнездо пауков]=]}
		list{title = undergroundbiomes,
			l{"Lush", [=[Lush]=]},
			l{"Sandstone (Quark)", [=[Песчаник]=]},
			l{"Slime (Quark)", [=[Слизень]=]},
			l{"Prismarine (Quark)", [=[Призмарин]=]},
			l{"Spider (Quark)", [=[Паук]=]},
			l{"Overgrown", [=[Заросший]=]},
			l{"Icy", [=[Ледяной]=]},
			l{"Lava (Quark)", [=[Лава]=]},
			l{"Glowshroom (biome)", [=[Светящийся гриб]=]}
		list{title = misc,
			l{"World Tweaks", tweaks}
	group{name = "misc", title = misc,
		list{title = items,
			ni{"Ancient Tome"},
			nid{"Ender Arrow"},
			nid{"Explosive Arrow"},
			ni{"White Rune", "Rune", [=[Руна]=]},
			nid{"Slime in a Bucket"},
			ni{"Torch Arrow"},
			ni{"Soul Powder"},
			ni{"Dragon Scale"},
			ni{"Wither Ash"},
			ni{"Potion of Danger Sight"}
		list{title = misc,
			l{"Misc Tweaks", tweaks},
			l{"Quark/Changelog", [=[Список изменений]=]}

return p