Feed The Beast Wiki

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Feed The Beast Wiki


local p = {}

-- automatically appended when expanding image arguments
p.imageParameters = ""

-- Default maximum size of images. Override by setting maxSize in the image arg.
p.maxImageSize = 260

-- Text displayed when a switch is given an unknown value
p.unknownType = [=[Unknown value]=]

-- In theory, displayed when an infobox definition can't be loaded.
p.loadFailure = [=[Couldn't load module:]=]

-- In the documentation page, word that separates alternate choices for things like argument names
p.nameorname = [=[or]=]

-- Text appended to the description of switch arguments, just before the list of possible values.
p.switchdoc = [=[Can be any of the following. Anything else will add the page to a list of pages with type errors.]=]

return p