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Feed The Beast Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox/biome/en/doc

local p = {}

p.docLead = [=[This one is for biomes.]=]

p.format = {
        title = {arg="name", desc = [=[The name of the biome.]=]},
            { {arg="image", type="image", desc = [=[The image used as preview.]=]} }
            {[=[Mod]=], {arg="mod", desc=[=[The mod that adds the biome.]=]} }
        title = [=[Properties]=],
            {[=[Type]=], {arg="type", desc=[=[[[mcw:Biome#Biome types|Biome type]]]=]}},
            {[=[Temperature]=], {arg="temp", desc=[=[[[mcw:Biome#Temperature|Biome temperature]]]=]}}
        title = [=[{{L|Forestry}} Climate]=],
            {[=[Temperature]=], {arg="temperature", desc=[=[The temperature, according to Forestry.]=]}},
            {[=[Humidity]=], {arg="humidity", desc=[=[The humidity, according to Forestry.]=]}}

p.examples = {
    { [=[{{Infobox biome
|name=Cherry Blossom Grove
|image=Cherry Blossom Grove.jpg
|mod=Biomes O' Plenty
|temperature=Normal (70%)
|humidity=Normal (80%)
}}]=] }

return p