The Minecraft Drama Generator is a collection of software originally created by asie, but forked by many other coders. It will automatically generate a rumor based on a list of mod authors and other aspects, to parody various conflicts that have occurred in the modded Minecraft community.
Example quotes[]
Minecraft Drama Generator | |
Current developers | asie |
Status | Discontinued |
Written in | PHP |
Source | Link |
Asie's version was the original version. It was shut down sometime in September 2014, and replaced by a message stating that it has been bought by Microsoft– a joke based on Microsoft's purchase of Mojang[1]. It had been used over 800 thousand times[2]. It made a brief return at BetterThanMinecon 2015, running through an OpenComputers setup.
Asie also made another version of it in his mod, Charset, through the Drama in a Bottle.
External links[]
Minecrosoft (Drama Generator Reborn) | |
Current developers | Thog92 |
Past developers | Asie |
Latest version | 1.2 |
Status | Active |
Written in | Bot: Java Site: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript |
License | Apache License |
Source | Link |
Issues | Link |
Website | Link |
Thog92 forked asie's version to extend the characters and situations. Thog92 discontinued their version, stating a similar message about being bought by Microsoft. However, it was recontinued, with rumors not being generated per request, but by being posting the Twitter bot "@DramaMinecraft" each hour.
External links[]
The Drama Generator: Ruby Edition | |
Current developers | SatanicSanta |
Status | Active |
Written in | Backend: Ruby Site: HTML and CSS (erb) |
Depends on | Sinatra, StringUtility, Puma |
Source | Link |
Issues | Link |
Website | Link |
SatanicSanta recreated asie's version in Ruby, mostly to experiment with creating Ruby on Rails applications, but also to have a web version of the application that actually generates dramatic situations. However, the application ended up being written using Sinatra instead of Rails.
External links[]
DramaSplash or Minecraft Drama Generator: Ruby Edition Splash | |
Current developers | SatanicSanta |
Version | 4.0.0 |
Supported Minecraft versions | 1.14–1.15 |
Mod ID | elifosterDramaSplash |
SatanicSanta also recreated Mr_okushama's modded version using the Ruby Edition of the generator. It functions identically to Mr_okushama's mod, except that its code is less complicated, and it uses the raw version of the web application, improving performance.
External links[]
Minecraft Drama Generator Splash | |
Current developers | Mr_okushama |
Version | 0.1 |
Supported Minecraft versions | 1.7.2 |
Mr_okushama created a special version of the Minecraft Drama Generator to work as a Minecraft mod, for 1.6.4 and 1.7.2. It modifies normal Minecraft's splashes to be replaced with the more dramatic announcements.
A 1.7.10 version of the mod has been created[3], but it is unknown where to acquire it.
External links[]
- 1.7.2 Download (direct link)
- 1.6.4 Download (direct link)
- Minecraft Drama Generator Splash on GitHub
Alfred V2 | |
Current developers | Hardik Desai, and Nikolay Izmailov |
Past developers | Zack Craig |
Status | Unmaintained |
Written in | Java |
Depends on | Gradle Shadow, PircBot, BeanShell, jsoup, Simple Logging Facade for Java, Gson, Twitter 4 Java, MySQL Connector/J, ScribeJava, Lombok, Reflections, Apache Commons, Guava, Chatter Bot API, JUnit, exp4j |
License | LGPL v3 |
Source | Link |
Issues | Link |
Website | Link |
Alfred is an IRC bot made for the official FTB IRC channel, also used in many other Minecraft related IRC channels on EsperNet. It includes an IRC command, `drama (~drama in developer mode), which obtains a random dramatic event from the Minecraft Drama Generator: Ruby Edition. Prior to the release of this drama generator, it used asie's official version. The switch was made through a pull request by the developer of the Ruby edition, due to asie's version being taken down.
MCDrama | |
Current developers | Gaelan |
Status | Active |
Written in | Backend: Ruby Site: HTML and CSS (erb) |
Depends on | Sinatra |
Source | Link |
Issues | Link |
Website | Link |
MCDrama is a recreation of asie's version made by Gaelan. It includes an online version, as well as a Twitter version, posting on the bot "@MCDramaLlama" each hour. Unlike the original version, it is based on a seed and specific rumors can be permalinked.
External links[]