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This page is about the Meta-Tools added by GregTech 6. For other uses, see Meta-Tools.

ModGregTech 6
Electric Meta-Tools

ModGregTech 6

GregTech 6 like many mods, adds several tools for mining or block manipulation. However, GregTech tools are not like the tools from other mods. GregTech tools are known as Meta-Tools, as they are generated as a part of the GregTech material dictionary Meta-Item system. Meta-Tools, in general, are tools that save the particular material(s) used to create them in their NBT, and calculate their traits, i.e. durability, attack damage, and enchantments based on those materials. Each tool has base traits which are combined with the traits of the materials.


The first notable thing about all Meta-Tools is that they do not follow the conventional item damage system. The tooltip-listed durability of all Meta-Tools is hundreds of times higher than would be expected of normal tools; even the weak Flint Tools have a durability of 4800. There is a purpose to this: GregTech Meta-Tools take damage from breaking blocks proportional to the hardness of the broken block. The damage taken is roughly equal to 100 * Hardness. For tools used in crafting recipes or other non-block breaking actions, in most cases 100 Durability is used.

Trait Combinations[]

The final...

  • Mining Tier is the sum of the material's tier and the tool's tier (usually 0)
  • Durability is the product of the material's durability and the tool's durability
  • Mining Speed is is the product of the material's speed and the tool's speed
  • Attack damage is the sum of the tool's base damage and the material's base damage
  • Enchant level is the sum of the tool's level and the material's level, for each enchant


The Enchantments on a Meta-Tool are locked on construction to those of the material (and tool type).

Although the API specifies enchantments for armors also, no meta-armor has been implemented as of GT6.08.04, except by the QwerTech addon. As part of the greater material system, there are many tool materials registered in the API that rely on the source mod to generate or produce them, and a few included expressly as targets for MineTweaker or custom ore generation.

Crude Tool Materials[]

Only the simplest tools can be made from these materials: Picks, Hammers, Clubs, Axes, Shovels, and Hoes.

ID Material Speed Durability Harvesting Tier Tool Enchants Armor Enchants
9802 Ice 2 4 0 Sharpness 1, *Cold Touch *Frost Walker
8001 Glass 1 1 0 Sharpness 3
8002 Flint 2.5 48 1 Fire Aspect 1
9174 Graphite 5 32 2
8211 Blaze 2 16 1 Fire Aspect 3
8214 Obsidian 3 32 3 Fire Aspect 1 Blast Protection 3
8217 Rubber 1.5 16 0 Knockback 2
8218 Plastic 3 32 1 Knockback 1
8287 SlimyBone 5 128 1
8221 Wood 2 16 0
8222 Sealed Wood 3 24 0
8267 Polished Wood 3 24 0
8224 Rubber Wood 1.5 12 0
8291 Skyroot 4 64 0 Fortune 1
8286 Weedwood 2 32 0
8289 Livingwood 4 64 0
8290 Dreamwood 4 128 1
8277 Petrified Wood 2 24 1
8393 Sunny Quartz 2.5 32 1
8394 Lavender Quartz 2.5 32 1
8395 Red Quartz 2.5 32 1
8396 Blaze Quartz 2.5 32 1
8397 Smokey Quartz 2.5 32 1
8398 Mana Quartz 2.5 64 2 Silk Touch
8399 Elven Quartz 2.5 64 2 Fortune 3
8346 Nether Quartz 2.5 32 1
8374 Black Quartz 2.5 32 1
8347 Certus Quartz 5 32 1
8348 Charged Certus Quartz 5 32 1
8500 Stone 2 16 1
8501 Concrete 2.5 32 0
8502 Netherrack 2 8 0 Fire Aspect 1
8503 Nether Brick 2 24 1 Fire Aspect 2
8504 Endstone 3 16 1
8512 Space rock 5 32 1
8513 Moon rock 5 32 1
8514 Moon Turf 3 16 1
8515 Mars rock 5 32 1
8516 Mars Sand 3 16 1
8517 Umberstone 3 32 1
8522 Holystone 5 128 1 Smite 3
8521 Livingrock 5 128 2
8519 Betweenstone 3 32 1
8520 Pitstone 3 32 1
8509 Redrock 2.5 16 1
9176 Gabbro 3 32 2
9177 Komatiite 3 32 2
8505 Basalt 3 32 2
8506 Marble 2.5 16 1
9189 Limestone 2.5 16 1
9171 Greenschist 2 24 1
9184 Blueschist 2 24 1
9218 Kimberlite 2 24 2
9180 Quartzite 1.7 32 1
8507 Red Granite 3 64 3
8508 Black Granite 3 64 3
8518 'Granite' 3 64 1
9188 Andesite 2.5 16 1
8511 Diorite 2.5 16 1
8510 Gravel 1 8 0
9170 Gneiss 2 24 1 Fire Aspect 2
9173 Greywacke 2 16 1
9178 Silstone 2 16 0
9179 Rhyolite 2 16 1
9181 Migmatite 2 16 1
9186 Chert 2 16 0
9187 Dacite 2 16 1
9190 Shale 2 16 0
9191 Ecologite 2 16 1
8599 Bedrock 8 2048 5

Basic Tool Materials[]

These materials can be made into most hand tools, but not overly complex ones nor electrical tools.

ID Material Speed Durability Harvesting Tier Tool Enchants Armor Enchants
40 Beryllium 14 64 2
130 Aluminium 10 128 2
280 Nickel 6 64 2 Bane of Arthropods 2
290 Copper 4 64 0 Dissolving 4
330 Arsenic 4 128 1
820 Lead 8 64 1 Bane of Arthropods 2
830 Bismuth 6 64 1 Bane of Arthropods 4
8620 Brass 7 96 1 Sharpness 2, Dissolving 2
8672 Ironwood 6 384 2 Fortune 1 Aqua Affinity
8673 Steeleaf 8 768 3 Fortune 2 Protection 2
8700 Aluminium Brass 6 64 2
8707 Ardite 6 64 2
8701 Aredrite 6 64 2
8702 Alumite 1.5 64 0
8703 Manyullyn 2 96 1
8719 'Osmium’, Mekanism 6 256 2
8785 Symorite 6 500 1 Sharpness 2
8622 Aluminium Alloy 10 128 2
8640 Annealed Copper 4 64 0 Dissolving 5

Advanced Tool Materials[]

These materials can be used to make any appropriate tool.

ID Material Speed Durability Harvesting Tier Tool Enchants Armor Enchants
220 Titanium 8 2560 3
240 Chromium 11 256 3
250 Manganese 7 512 2
260 Iron 6 256 2 Sharpness 1
270 Cobalt 5 256 3
278 Cobalt – 60 5 256 3 Radioactivity 2 Radioactivity 2
400 Zirconium 6 512 3
420 Molybdenum 7 512 2
430 Technetium 10 1280 1 Werebane 10
460 Palladium 8 512 2
470 Silver 10 64 2 Disjunction 4, Werebane 4
600 Neodymium 6 512 3
740 Tungsten 8 5120 3
760 Osmium 16 1280 4
770 Iridium 6 5120 4 Werebane 6
780 Platinum 15 64 2 Smite 5
790 Gold 12.5 64 2 Smite 3
900 Thorium 6 512 2
920 Uranium 6 512 3
921 U-235 6 512 3 Radioactivity 2 Radioactivity 2
940 Plutonium 6 512 3 Radioactivity 1 Radioactivity 1
943 Pu-241 6 512 3 Radioactivity 3 Radioactivity 3
945 Pu-243 6 512 3 Radioactivity 3 Radioactivity 3
950 Americium 4 256 2
951 Am-241 4 256 2 Radioactivity 4 Radioactivity 4
1260 Trinium 12 2560 4 Sharpness 6
1520 Vibranium 1000 512 15 Fortune 5 Protection 10
1740 Naquadah 6 1280 4
1741 Enriched Nq 6 1280 4 Radioactivity 4 Radioactivity 4
1742 Naquadria 1 512 4 Radioactivity 5 Radioactivity 5
2220 Admantium 10 5120 5 Silk Touch Protection 10
4000 Magic 10 5120 5 Fortune 4
8003 Carborundum 8 1280 3
8278 Mana Diamond 10 1280 3
8279 Elven DragonStone 12 1280 3
8285 Valonite 9 2560 3
8292 Zanite 16 512 2 Sharpness 4
8293 Ambrosium 10 128 1 Silk Touch
8294 Gravitite 8 128 1 Knockback 3
8295 Continuum 14 128 3 Fortune 3
8300 Diamond 8 1280 3
83xx Emerald 9 128 2 *Implosion 5
83xx Sapphire 7 512 3 *Implosion 3
8302 Balas ‘Ruby’ 7 384 2 *Implosion 3
8306 Topaz 7 256 3 *Implosion 5
8307 Blue Topaz 7 256 3 *Implosion 5
8308 Tanzanite 7 256 2 *Implosion 4
8309 Jasper 7 256 2 *Implosion 2
8310 Amber 4 128 2 Silk Touch
8311 Olivine ‘Peridot’ 7 256 2 *Implosion 2
8312 Opal 7 256 2 *Implosion 4
8313 Amethyst 7 256 3 *Implosion 3
8316 Vinteum 10 128 3 Fortune 1
8319 Eye of Ender 1 16 1
8320 Nether Star 8 5120 4 Silk Touch
8321 Jade 8 512 2 Fortune 3, *Implosion 7
8322 Craponite 7 256 2 Werebane 10, *Implosion 1
8325 Dioptase 7 256 2 *Implosion 3
8326 Spinel 7 384 2 *Implosion 3
8327 Purified Vinteum 12 256 3
8329 Ender Amethyst 10 2560 3 *Implosion 5
8342 Firestone 6 1280 3 Fire Aspect 3
8343 Force 10 128 3 Silk Touch
8352 Aer 8 64 3 Knockback 2 Respiration 3
8353 Ignis 8 64 3 Fire Aspect 3 Feather Falling 4
8354 Terra 8 256 3 Bane of Arthropods 5 Protection 4
8355 Aqua 8 64 3 Fortune 3, *Cold Touch 4 Aqua Affinity, *Frost Walker
8356 Perditio 32 64 4 Sharpness 5 Thorns 3
8357 Ordo 8 64 3 Silk Touch Projectile Protection 4
8375 Redstonia 6 300 2
8376 Palis 6 300 2
8377 Diamantine 10 1600 4
8378 Void Crystal 6 280 2
8379 Emeradic 8 2200 3 *Implosion 5
8380 Enori 6 280 3
8381 Dark Matter 20 12800 5 Knockback 3, Fortune 3
8382 Red Matter 30 25600 6 Fortune 3, Fire Aspect 3 Blast Protection 5
8388 Alexandrite 7 256 2 *Implosion 5
8391 Frezarite 4 128 2 Silk Touch, *Cold Touch 4 *Frost Walker
8392 Red Meteor 8 512 3 Knockback 3, Disjunction 3
8419 Zircon 8 384 2
8600 Electrum 12 64 2 Smite 3, Disjunction 3, Werebane 3
8601 Sterling Silver 13 128 2 Disjunction4, Dissolving 2, Werebane 4
8602 Rose Gold 14 128 2 Smite 4, Dissolving 2
8603 Angmallen 10 128 2
8606 Gilded Iron 12 256 2 Smite 3, Sharpness 1
8610 Bronze 6 192 2 Sharpness 1, Dissolving 2
8611 Black Bronze 12 256 2 Smite 2, Disjunction 2, Dissolving 2, Werebane 2
8612 Bismuth Bronze 8 256 2 Bane of Arthropods 4, Dissolving 2
8613 Hepatizon 12 128 2 Smite 2, Dissolving 5
8621 Cobalt Brass 8 256 2 Sharpness 2, Dissolving 2
8630 Steel 6 512 2 Sharpness 2
8631 Black Steel 6.5 768 2 Sharpness 3, Disjunction 2, Dissolving 2, Werebane 2
8632 Blue Steel 7 896 2 Sharpness 3, Disjunction 3, Dissolving 2, Werebane 3
8633 Red Steel 7.5 1024 2 Smite 3, Sharpness 3, Disjunction 1, Dissolving 2, Werebane 1
8634 Damascus Steel 8 1280 2 Sharpness 5
8635 TungstenSteel 10 5120 4
8636 Stainless Steel 7 480 2 Sharpness 3
8637 HSLA 6 512 2 Sharpness 2
8638 Tungsten Carbide 10 5120 4
8639 Spring Steel 6 512 2
8641 Deep Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 2
8642 Pig Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 2
8643 Wrought Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 2
8644 Compressed Iron 6 256 2
8645 Magnetic Iron 6 256 2 Sharpness 1, *Magnetization 1 *Magnetization 1
8646 Magnetic Steel 6 512 2 Sharpness 2, *Magnetization 1 *Magnetization 1
8647 Magnetic Neodymium 6 512 3 *Magnetization 3 *Magnetization 3
8648 Dark Iron, Fz 7 384 3 Knockback 3
8649 Meteoric Iron 7 400 2 Sharpness 2, *Magnetization 1 *Magnetization 1
8650 Meteoric Steel 7 800 2 Sharpness 3, *Magnetization 2 *Magnetization 2
8651 Galvanized Steel 7 768 2 Sharpness 2
8652 Sintered Tungsten 8 5120 3
8653 Vanadium Steel 7 512 3 Sharpness 3
8654 Titanium-Gold 12 5120 4 Sharpness 3, Smite 3
8661 Invar 6 256 2 Bane of Arthropods 3
8662 Constantan ‘Cupronickel’ 6 64 1 Bane of Arthropods 2, Dissolving 3
8663 Nichrome 6 64 2 Bane of Arthropods 2
8664 Kanthal 6 64 2
8665 Magnalium 6 256 2
8666 Ultimet 8 1024 3
8667 Tin Alloy 6.5 96 2
8670 Shadow Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 3
8671 Shadow Steel 6 768 2 Sharpness 4
8674 Knightmetal 8 1024 3 Sharpness 3
8675 Fiery Steel 8 1024 3 Fire Aspect 3, Sharpness 2 Protection 1
8676 Astral Silver 10 64 2 Disjunction 5, Werebane 5
8677 Midasium 12 64 2 Forutne 2
8678 Mithril 14 64 3 Fortune 3, Smite 5
8679 Thaumium 12 256 3 Fortune 2
8680 Dark Thaumium 12 512 3 Fortune 3
8681 Void Metal 12 2048 4
8682 Osmiridium 11 3840 4
8684 Trinaquadalloy 14 20480 5 Sharpness 8
8685 Chromium Dioxide 11 256 3
8704 Vibranium Steel 50 2048 10 Fortune 4 Protection 8
8705 Vibranium Silver 100 512 9 Disjunction 10, Werebane 10 Protection 6
8706 Vibramantium 1000 5120 15 Silk Touch Protection 10
8710 Enderium 8 256 3 Silk Touch
8711 Fluxed Electrum 14 64 2 Disjunction 3
8718 Bedrock-HSLA-Alloy 10 2560 5
8720 Manasteel 12 256 3
8721 Terrasteel 16 2048 4
8722 Elven Elementium 14 512 3
8725 Pulsating Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 1
8726 Vibrant Alloy 12.5 64 2 Smite 5
8727 Conductive Iron 6 384 2 Sharpness 1
8728 Energetic Alloy 12.5 64 2 Smite 4
8730 Electrical Steel 6 512 2 Sharpness 2
8731 'DarkSteel', EIO 6 512 2 Fire Aspect 2
8732 Soularium 12.5 64 2 Fortune 2
8734 Spectre Iron 8.5 768 2 Silk Touch, Smite 5
8735 Gaia Spirit 16 1024 4
8736 Endium 12 256 2 Silk Touch
8739 Mauftrium 12 1024 3 Smite 5
8740 Elvorium 14 2048 3 Sharpness 5
8741 Niflheim Power 18 2048 3 Silk Touch
8742 Muspielheim Power 18 2048 3 Fire Aspect 3
8750 Desh 4 1280 3
8751 Duranium 8 1280 4
8752 Tritanium 12 2560 5
8754 Oriharukon 8 2560 2
8755 Adamantite 6 2560 3
8756 Duralumin 10 512 2
8757 Meteorite, Fallen 8 1200 3 Sharpness 2, *Magnetization 2 *Magnetization 2
8758 Frozen Iron, Fallen 6 256 2 Sharpness 2, *Cold Touch 2 *Frost Walker
8759 Kreknorite, Fallen 8 1200 3 Fire Aspect 3
8765 Ceruclase 6 1280 2 Aqua Affinity
8766 Atlarus 4 4480 4 Feather Falling 4
8767 Oureclase 6 1920 3 Respiration 3
8768 Kalendrite 5 2560 3 Knockback 2
8769 Orichalcum 4.5 3456 3 Bane of Arthropods 4
8770 Carmot 16 128 1 Smite 5
8771 Sanguinite 3 4480 4 Silk Touch
8772 Vyroxeres 9 768 3 Dissolving 5 Thorns 3
8773 Eximite 5 2560 3 Fortune 3
8774 Prometheum 8 512 1 Fire Aspect 2
8775 Ignatius 12 512 2 Fire Aspect 2
8776 Vulcanite 5 3840 3 Fire Aspect 3
8777 Inolashite 8 2304 3 Silk Touch Aqua Affinity
8778 Haderoth 10 3200 3 Fortune 4
8779 Celengil 10 4096 3 Bane of Arthropods 5 Protection 4
8781 Desichalkos 11 4608 4 Disjunction 6
8782 Tartarite 20 7680 5 Knockback 3 Protection 5
8783 Amordrine 7 3328 3 Fire Aspect 3 Blast Protection 5
8784 Adamantine 10 4500 5 Silk Touch Protection 5
8786 Octine 8 900 2 Fire Aspect 3
8790 Trinitanium 16 5120 4 Sharpness 7
8793 Titanium Iridium ‘Iritanium’ 8 7680 4
8794 Titanium Alumide 12 3840 3
9101 Almandine ‘Red Garnet’ 7 128 2 *Implosion 2
9102 Andradite ‘Yellow Garnet’ 7 256 2 *Implosion 2
9119 Grossular 7 128 2 *Implosion 2
9127 Pyrope 7 128 2 *Implosion 2
9129 Spessartine 7 128 2 *Implosion 2
9135 Uvarovite 8 128 2 *Implosion 2
9175 Graphene 6 32 1
9318 Ender Pearl 1 16 1 Silk Touch
  • = If the source mod for this enchantment is also loaded.

Rotation and Connection[]

If CodeChickenLib is installed, pointing the crosshair at a rotatable or connectable GregTech block while holding a tool applicable to that block will show a grid similar to the one below. In addition, if the block is connectable some of the sections will have 'X'es over them if the block is connecting in that direction.


The machine face is divided into nine sections. Each section represents a different side of the machine:


Each section may be right-clicked to move the output to a given face of the machine:

  • Section 5 (the center) will use the tool on the side that is clicked on.
  • Sections 1,3,7,9 (the corners) will use the tool on the side opposite the one that is clicked.
  • Sections 2,4,6,8 (the sides) will use the tool on the side corresponding to the direction indicated by the section.
    For example, when pointing at the front of the machine and right clicking on Section 2, the tool will be used on the block's top face.