Manaweaving Wands are a type of item added by Mana and Artifice. Manaweaving Wands are used to create Manaweaving Patterns and Cantrips. There are three kinds each with different a durability.
Improvised Manaweaving Wands: If I'm ever in a pinch I'm pretty sure i can fashion a simple improvised manaweaver's wand using something as a rod and either a magical flower or chimerite. This should allow me to do any emergency manaweaves, but likely will break after more than a few uses. However, I can probably get a cantrip or two out of it before it breaks, and that might make all the difference.
Improvised Manaweaver's Wand[]
An Improvised Manaweaver's Wand is the first manaweaving wand you will use in the game. It can cast 5 patterns before it breaks.
Warding Amulet· Amulet of the Battlemage· Enderguard Amulet· Witherguard Amulet
Brimming Urn· Urn of the Mountain Stream· Urn of the Molten Core
Bracelet of Antidote· Emberglow Bracelet· Bracelet of Eldrin Power· Bracelet of Trickery
Mundane Ring· Break Ring (Lesser)· Break Ring (Greater)· Collector's Ring (Lesser)· Collector's Ring (Greater)· Ring of Minor Fortune· Ring of Fortune· Ring of Greater Fortune· Ring of Silk· Ring of the Enderman· Ring of the Skies· Ring of Brittle Bones