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Manaweave Projector

ModMana and Artifice

The Manaweave Projector is an item from the Mana and Artifice mod. This item is used in conjunction with Manaweaving Patterns to weave the selected pattern in exchange for a small amount of mana when activated.


Codex Entry[]

For those wizards that are either unwilling or unable to draw manaweave patterns manually, they can craft a manaweave projector. These devices, when placed, will draw mana from players within 2 blocks. When full, it will have drawn in 100 mana.

Activating the block when full will cause it to emit the current pattern. Activating the block with a manaweave pattern recipe scrap will change the pattern that is emitted.
Codex Arcana, Manaweave Projector
