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This page is a translated version of the page ME Wireless Access Terminal and the translation is 91% complete.
ME Wireless Access Terminal

모드Applied Energistics

ME Wireless Access TerminalApplied Energistics 모드에 의해 추가된 도구입니다. ME Access Terminal 혹은 ME Crafting Terminal 을 사용하지 않고 ME Network 에 접근하게 해주는 도구입니다. It must be paired with a ME Wireless Access Point in order to work.

The ME Wireless Access Terminal has an internal storage of 200,000 AE Units, and can be recharged in various blocks, such as the ME Controller.


비고: 이 조합법은 1.5.2 이후로 변경되었음.

조합법 비고
GUI Shaped Crafting Alternate

1.5.2 이후
GUI Shaped Crafting Alternate

1.5.2 이전
