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Feed The Beast Wiki
Feed The Beast Wiki

TypeTile entity

The Luggage is an item from the OpenBlocks mod. This item will pick up any items that are dropped on the ground. If the player who placed the Luggage moves too far away from them, they will run over as fast as they can. Luggage has 20 health, but has no way of actually taking damage. Luggage has an inventory of a single Chest, and can be accessed via right click. Luggage can be picked back up by using ⇧ Shift+🖱️ Right Click.

If Luggage is struck by lightning, it will turn white and black with a flashing glowing blue animation on it. It will gain an extra 27 spaces of storage, ending up with the equivalent storage of a double Chest. If Luggage touches Witchwater, the same effect is applied.


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