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This page is a translated version of the page Low Pressure Boiler Tank and the translation is 71% complete.
Котёл низкого давления

ТипТвёрдый блок
Всплывающий текстMulti-Block: Variable Size, Above Firebox
Produces 10 mB of Steam per tick
Требуемые модулиSteam

The Low Pressure Boiler Tank is a semi-required component for creating a Steam Boiler from Railcraft. It is only semi-required because there is an alternative, the High Pressure Boiler Tank. A Low Pressure Boiler Tank will produce steam as efficiently as possible, consuming as little resources. These can be recommended for non-24/7 steam boilers, as they do not take long to warm up. Each cubic meter of Low Pressure Boiler Tanks will produce 10 Steam/tick when completely warmed up.


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