Mods in Minecraft have introduced many new liquids beyond vanilla Minecraft's water, milk, and lava.
- Liquid Honey
- Seed Oil
- Biomass
- Ethanol (Formerly Biofuel)
- Short Mead
- Apple Juice
Immersive Engineering[]
- Creosote Oil
- Steam - Not a liquid in a complete sense since it can't be picked up with buckets, but it can be stored in tanks and pumped in Waterproof Pipes or Liquiducts.
Thermal Foundation[]
- Blazing Pyrotheum
- Destabilized Redstone
- Energized Glowstone
- Essence of Knowledge
- Gelid Cryotheum
- Resonant Ender
- Resin
- Sap
- Tectonic Petrotheum