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This page is about the Lamp added by RedPower 2. For other uses, see Lamp.

ModRedPower 2
TypeSolid block

The Lamp is a type of block from RedPower 2. When provided with a redstone signal, it emits light at luminance level 15. There is a lamp for all of the base 16 colors within Minecraft; however, they do not emit colored light. RedPower 2 also adds an inverted version which emits light so long as it does not have a redstone signal.

RedPower 2 Lamps

Lamps that are not powered (top) and that are powered (bottom)
row 1 (left to right): white, orange, magenta, light blue, yellow, lime, pink, gray
row 2 (left to right): light gray, cyan, purple, blue, brown, green, red, black

