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This page is a translated version of the page Lamp (Project Red) and the translation is 50% complete.
Tento článek je o o lampách z módu Project Red. Pro jiné významy, navštivte Lamp.

MódProject Red
TypPevný blok
Požadované modulyOsvětlení
Project Red Lamps Light Cone Range

The light cone of a White Lamp. (yellow cone = no mob spawn / red cone = light zone)

The Lamps are light sources added by Project Red. They need a redstone signal from red alloy cables, redstone, an adjacent circuit or other blocks/machines, which emits a redstone signal, to illuminate. The inverted version is the Inverted Lamp.

There are 16 colors for the Lamps (see below).

The Lamps form a quadratic cone of light and the luminosity amounts to 14 spaces straight in all 4 directions from the block. However, the light is so strong that no mobs spawn only up to a distance of 7 blocks.


Template:Navbox Project Red/cs

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