The Item Transport Valve is a cover added by GregTech 4. It is used to move liquids and items in and out of the side it is installed on.
The Item Transport Valve has 12 modes. The modes can cycled through by right-clicking the cover with a Screwdriver. The modes are:
Export, which will move processed items and liquids to a connected inventory or tank, or place them on the ground.
Import, which will move items and liquids from a connected inventory or tank to the machine if available.
Export (conditional), which will export items or liquids only if the machine is not disabled. Machines can be disabled via a Rubber Hammer or a Redstone Machine Controller.
Import (conditional), which will import items or liquids only if the machine is not disabled.
Export (invert cond), which will export items or liquids only if the machine is disabled.
Import (invert cond), which will import items or liquids only if the machine is disabled.
Export allow Input (conditional), which will export items or liquids but accept input, but only if the machine is not disabled.
Import allow Output (conditional), which will import items or liquids but accept output, but only if the machine is not disabled.
Export allow Input (invert cond), which will export items or liquids but accept input, but only if the machine is disabled.
Import allow Output (invert cond), which will import items or liquids but accept output, but only if the machine is disabled.
The Item Transport Valve will use 1 Energy Unit per 100 mB of liquid moved or per item moved.
The Item Transport Valve can be applied to any side of a machine by right-clicking a side. It can be removed by right-clicking the cover with a Wrench.
Input Hatch· Output Hatch· Input Bus· Output Bus· Maintenance Hatch· Dynamo Hatch· Energy Hatch· Muffler Hatch· Large Gas Turbine· Large Steam Turbine· Thermal Boiler