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This page is about the Item Mortar added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power. For other uses, see Item Mortar.
Item Mortar

ModFlaxbeard's Steam Power
Blast resistance3.5
Flaxbeard's Steam Power Information
Journal entry Item Mortar
I've found an ingenious way to transport items - a pressurized steam cannon!
This mortar will launch items skyward, at a high trajectory, to land at a targeted location. Simply insert items via a hopper, set a target, and watch items fly.
An astrolabe is my device of choice for aiming the mortar. First, I have to shift-right click on the targeted location with an astrolabe, and then right click on the mortar to calibrate it.
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The Item Mortar is a machine from Flaxbeard's Steam Power. It is used to transport items great distances, by launching them high into the air. The Astrolabe must be used to set the target location of the items, and then to set this target to the mortar. Items will not land in the exact location, but they will be near to it. A machine that can automatically output items, such as a Hopper or a Vacuum, must be used to input the items to the mortar.

Pipes can be placed on any side except the top. Steam Gauges cannot be placed on any side of the block.



Version history
0.26.4FIX: Item Mortar cannon faces the correct way in most cases. (#103)
