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Inscriber Silicon Press

ModApplied Energistics 2
TC4 Aspects

The Inscriber Silicon Press is an item added by Applied Energistics 2, which is used in the Inscriber to create Printed Silicon. It cannot be crafted from scratch and must be found in a Sky Stone Chest inside a Meteorite, though duplication is possible.


This is a duplication recipe. The input press is not consumed.

GregTech 6[]

As added by GregTech 6

GregTech 6 allows duplicating the Inscriber Silicon Press in its own machine.

GUI GT6 Press

Time: 64 ticks
Power: 1
Tier: 16 GU
Usage: 16 GU/t
Costs: 1024 GU

GregTech 6 also allows the Inscriber Silicon Press to be crafted from scratch, at the cost of a significant amount of energy.

GUI GT6 Precision Laser Engraver

Time: 512 ticks
Power: 1
Tier: 512 GU
Usage: 512 GU/t
Costs: 262144 GU

See also[]
