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This page is about the Input Hatch added by GregTech 5. For other uses, see Input Hatch.
Input Hatch

ModGregTech 5
TypeSolid block

The Input Hatch is a block added by GregTech 5 used to input fluids into GregTech multiblocks.



The Input Hatch must be placed somewhere within a multiblock machine. It provides fluid input to the machine. The size of the fluid tank is 8,000L (mB) per level:

Tier Capacity
ULV 8,000L
LV 16,000L
MV 24,000L
HV 32,000L
EV 40,000L
IV 48,000L
LuV 56,000L
ZPMV 64,000L
UV 72,000L

The tank may be filled using fluid pipes. It also has a single input slot and a single output slot for Cells and other fluid containers. Filled containers will be emptied into the hatch's tank, and empty containers will be filled from it. A container will only be filled if the hatch contains enough fluid to fill it completely, and likewise will only be emptied if the tank has enough capacity to empty it completely.
