Outdated translations are marked like this.
Auf diese Seite kann man den Änderungsprotokoll von der IC2 Nukleare Kontrolle Modifikation finden. Dies beinhaltet nur die Änderungen von der Version 2.0.0a für die Minecraft 1.7.10 und später.
- Re-enabled part of Applied Energistics 2 compact.
- Fix version number.
- Updated capes module.
- Fixed logging issue.
- Disabled part of Applied Energistics 2 compact.
- Behoben, das Problem mit einer Karte aus dem Kreativ-Inventar, dass in der Industriellen Informationstafel eingesetz wird.
- Behoben, das Duplizieren bei einem Fehler mit der Portable Informationstafel.
- Behoben, der Bug mit Mekanism.
- Behoben, der Bug von der GUI beim Kessel (eng. Cauldron).
- Aktualisiert, Russich (ru_RU).
- Behoben, Schwedish (sv_SE) Sprachedatei.
- Entfernt, Hongkong-Chinesisch (zh_HK) Sprachedatei, weil es nicht von Minecraft unterstützt wird.
- Behoben, eine versehenliche Abhängigkeit auf Thermal Expansion 4.
- Hinzugefügt, ein Handwerksrezept für das Vanilla-Paket.
- Hinzugefügt, eine zusätzliche Unterstützung für Große Reaktoren (eng. Big Reactors).
- Behoben, Reaktor Zeitmessungen.
- Behoben, ein paar Probleme verbunden mit Hüten(capes), dass ihnen erlaubt konfiguriert zuwerden.
- Behoben, Redstone Flux Unterstützung.
- Hinzugefügt, die Vanilla-Maschinekarte, die Inventar-Beobachtungskarte und das Vanilla-Paket.
- Hinzugefügt, Taiwanesisch Chinesisch und Hongkong-Chinesisch (zh-hk und zh-tw).
- Hinzugefügt, Britisch English (en-GB).
- Hinzugefügt, dev und api jars.
- Behoben, ein paar Netzwerkprobleme mit GUIs und Maschinen.
- Möglicherweise Behoben, ein Absturz das auftritt mit Modifikationen das Hüten (capes) hinzufügt.
- Behoben, RF-Speicherungsprobleme mit Mekanism.
- Geändert, Großschreibung einige Wörter.
- Aktualisiert, Piraten Gespräch (en-PT).
- Überarbeitet, IndustrieHandwerk 2 Klassisch/IndustrieHandwerk 2 Experimentell Unterstützung.
- Hinzugefügt, Kroatisch (hr-hr) Sprachedatei.
- Aktualisiert, Russisch (ru-ru) Sprachedatei.
- Fixes crash with the Portable Information Panel.
- Updated Russian (ru-ru) language file.
- Fixes cross-mod issue with Applied Energistics 2.
- Fixed drop-related issues.
- Updated Russian (ru-ru) language file.
- Updated to IndustrialCraft 2's newer method name for ItemGradualInt.getControlTagOfStack().
- Fixed crash with the Advanced Information Panel.
- Updated Chinese (zh-cn) language file.
- Added the Portable Information Panel.
- Added the RF support for the Energy Sensor Kit with the RF Energy Sensor Location Card.
- Allowed Howler Alarms to be dyed.
- Added IndustrialCraft 2 Classic's Steam Reactor support to the Remote Sensor Kit/Reactor Sensor Location Card.
- Fixed and added some new OpenComputers Drivers.
- Fixed Average Counter issues with IndustrialCraft 2 Classic.
- If IndustrialCraft 2 Classic is loaded, it will automatically use "classic" recipes.
- Fixed blocks not dropping items when broken.
- Fixed the Range Upgrade not being craftable.
- Fixed a calculation error.
- Modified the texture of the Applied Energistics Monitor Kit and Applied Energistics Card.
- Fixed recipe sorter.
- Fixed the usage of a few deprecated methods.
- Fixed the ME Network Monitor's lack of block hardness.
- Made cape errors less noticeable.
- Fixed small typo.
- General refactoring.
- Applied Energistics 2 suppport. ME Network Monitor, Applied Energistics Card, and the Applied Energistics Monitor Kit.
- Extended OpenComputers support: added Thermal Monitor, Average Counter and Howler Alarm Drivers.
- Issues with the Average/Energy Counter related to RF support should be fixed.
- Fixed Info Panels glitching with chunks, and maybe it's random-texture morphing bug.
- Fixed liquid-related issues that happen with a newer version of Forge.
- Added primitive IC2 Classic support. Currently doesn't do anything though.
- Refactoring, as usual.
- Made Big Reactors stuff register in init.
- Fixes small configuration issue.
- Minor Refactoring.
- Fixed a small NBT issue.
- New 5x5 Reactor Card with support in the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Added an API to the Range Trigger, meaning that not only the Liquid card, but the counter and generator cards can be monitored. Needs some testing, though.
- Added more OpenComputers Drivers, including the (normal) Info Panel driver, Thermal Monitor Driver, and extended the Advanced Info Panel driver.
- Changed a bunch of the recipes (again).
- Adds the Italian language.
- Made Gregtech recipes better, so you can make Big Reactors stuff and the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Fixed the older recipes, also uses refined iron instead of iron.
- Fixed GUI-related bugs, as well as the Thermal Monitor not alerting neighbor blocks when it's redstone is inverted.
- Fixes WAILA providers.
- Added pack.mcmeta.
- Updated Russian language.
- Fixed issue with Energy Sensor Kit. This does mean you need version 691 (or higher) IC2.
- Made the Web Upgrade more stable if/when it is used again.
- Changed Big Reactor's recipes to be more NC2-ish.
- Removed two commented-out classes.
- Stabilized the BC-crossmod code.
- Disabled web-related configs that didn't do anything.
- Lots of refactoring.
- Behoben, ein paar Probleme mit OpenComputers.
- Added Big Reactors support for monitoring their reactors with an Industrial Information Panel.
- Added basic OpenComputers support for the Advanced Information Panel, allowing you to get and set thickness, rotation and color.
- RF support for Energy Counter/Average Counter.
- Disabled the Web Upgrade's recipe and use.
- Added the Orange Lamp.
- WAILA support for the Howler Alarm, the Energy Counter and the Average Counter.
- Completed GregTech recipes.
- Fixed bug where the Energy Counter averaged instead of counted.
- Might of fixed graphical issues with the Advanced Information Panel.
- Changed version number of the NEI Plugin to match the same scheme as the rest of the mod.
- Refactoring.
- Small name change in the creative tab.
- Behoben, Gregtech Rezepten schon wieder.
- Spiel stürtz nicht ab, wenn GregTech Rezepten benutz werden
- Die Rezepten-Teile von der Konfiguration ist jetzt unabhängig von der Groß-/Kleinschreibung.
- Gregtech Rezepten sind zum Großteil fertig.
- Waila Unterstützung für ein paar Blöcke.
- Behoben, Erhitzungs-Probleme mit den Thermal Monitor.
- Information panels sides have a IC2-style 32x32 texture from Pyro.
- Translation to pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese).
- Bugfix: you can now click the buttons in the average counter.
- Wrench drops working properly with the advanced panels.
- You shouldn't crash when using the french language.
- You can uncraft the different cards into a electric circuit.
- White Lamp has a recipe.
- Changes web upgrade to have it's recipe turned off in singleplayer, but on in multiplayer. This is completely configurable. (Suggested by Greg)
- Refactoring, and defactoring.
- Work in progress gregtech recipes. These are currently incomplete.
- mcmod.info file fixed, for proper viewing.
- Lamp works much more nicely now. It's recipe is currently disabled though.
- Readded array recipes.
- Fixed Advanced Info Panels, so now you can properly change it's slope.
- Remote Thermal Monitor will now accept all voltages.
- Added dev-only capes.
- Fixed items not making the world upgrade. Fixed small sound bug.
- Neue Texturen.
- Neue Rezepte.
- Ein paar neue Übersetzungen.
- Weiße Lampen hinzugefügt.