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ModSteve's Carts
TypeSteve's Carts Hull

The hull is the base component module used in building minecarts with Steve's Carts. The hull determines which components and how many components can be built into the minecart.


Name Modular cap Complexity cap Max engines Max addons Fuel consumption
Normal Hulls
Wooden Hull
50 15 1 0 1 u/t
Standard Hull
200 50 3 6 2 u/t
Reinforced Hull
500 150 5 12 4 u/t
Galgadorian Hull
1000 150 5 12 10 u/t
Halloween 2012
Pumpkin Chariot
5 3 1 0 1 u/t
Kid's Play
Mechanical Pig
150 50 2 4 2 u/t
  • Modular cap - The total modular cost of all the modules in the cart.
  • Complexity cap - The maximum modular cost that any one module can have.


A Wooden Hull's complexity cap is 15, so it can only hold modules that have modular cost of 15 or less, such as the Tiny Coal Engine, which has a modular cost of 2. Additional modules can then be added up to a maximum of 50.

See also[]
