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This page is about the Hoe of Growth from Thaumcraft 3. For other uses, see Hoe of Growth.
Hoe of Growth

ModThaumcraft 3
Thaumcraft 3 Information
Hoe of Growth

By merging the magical energy from a Wand of Exchange with a thaumium hoe, you have created a farming implement with few equals.

When used to till fields, it will till a 3x3 area instead of just a single block. When used to crops or other plants it will act as bonemeal to promote its growth, though at a higher cost to its durability. It might even be able to grow plants that a normal bonemeal can't.

If shift is held while using this tool all its special properties are suspended and it functions like a normal hoe.

Required research Wand of Equal Trade
By merging the magical energy from a Wand of Exchange with a thaumium hoe, you have created a farming implement with few equals.

The Hoe of Growth is an elemental weapon added by Thaumcraft 3. It has similar durability to the vanilla Diamond Hoe however when used to till Grass or Dirt, it tills the blocks in a 3x3 area.

The Hoe of Growth can also act as Bone Meal to all plants and saplings that would normally take Bonemeal and some that wouldn't normally, such as the Silverwood Sapling.

The Wand of Equal Trade must be researched before the player can unlock the ability to research the Hoe of Growth.


GUI Infusion Altar TC3




100 vis


Can till blocks in a 3x3 area using the targeted block as the central point. Each block tilled takes away a durability point (9 blocks tilled = 9 durability)

Acts as Bonemeal to all vanilla plants and saplings as well as mod saplings like the Silverwood Sapling and the Greatwood Sapling by right-clicking at the cost of durability. (Note: Growing Silverwood Trees cost vis from the aura as well as durability. The hoe does not simulate bonemeal on grass.)

Shifting while tilling Dirt or Grass will cause the hoe to lose it's magical properties and act as a normal hoe.

The Hoe of Growth holds Enchantments well as a Thaumium tool.
