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This page is about the GregTech Sensor Card added by GregTech 4. For other uses, see GregTech Sensor Card.
GregTech Sensor Card

ModGregTech 4
Tooltip textInsert into Display Panel

The GregTech Sensor Card is an IC2 Nuclear Control card added by GregTech 4, obtained through a GregTech Sensor Kit. When put in an Industrial Information Panel or an Advanced Information Panel, it will show the information provided by the used machine.


Machine Information shown

All EU-based GT machines
 · Progress of the current process in seconds
 · Maximum progress of the current process in seconds

Digital Chest
 · The item stored
 · The quantity stored
 · The maximum amount of items that can be stored

Dragon Egg Energy Siphon
 · Active or inactive
 · Energy output (EU)

Electric Trade-O-Mat
 · Number of performed trades
 · Stock
 · Number of received items
 · What and how much can be sold per trade
 · What and how much can be bought per trade

Fusion Control Computer
 · Ready or incomplete
 · Progress of the current process in seconds
 · Maximum progress of the current process in seconds
 · Charge (EU)

Industrial Grinder
{,}}Progress of the current process in seconds
 · Maximum progress of the current process in seconds
GT Multiblocks  · Progress of the current process in seconds
 · Maximum progress of the current process in seconds
 · Problems with the setup, and instructions to fix them

 · Charge (EU)
 · Target X coord
 · Target Y coord
 · Target Z coord
 · Target dimension ID

Tesseract Generator
 · Frequency of the Tesseract Generator
 · Active or inactive

Tesseract Terminal
 · Frequency of the Tesseract Terminal
 · Active or inactive
